[AL-Directors] Scholarship opportunity for Oregon ACRL Conference in October 2014

Arlene Weible arlene.weible at state.or.us
Wed Aug 27 07:52:10 PDT 2014

Dear Academic Library Directors:

The Oregon Library Association recognizes that there are challenges associated with providing continuing education opportunities to library staff in support or paraprofessional positions and is looking at options to improve opportunities in Oregon. In response, ACRL-OR is offering extra support to library paraprofessionals to attend our fall 2014 conference. We are making available up to 5 scholarships that will cover the registration fee, room and board, plus up to $50 dollar for travel costs. I hope you will support your staff who are interested in attending the conference and encourage them to take advantage of this scholarship opportunity.

Scholarship applications may be submitted at:


The deadline for applications is September 10, 2014

Conference Information:

Professional Identify and Technology: Looking Forward
2014 ACRL Oregon & Washington Fall Joint Conference
Thursday, October 23, 2014 @12pm - Friday, October 24, 2014 @12pm
Menucha Retreat & Conference Center, Corbett, Oregon

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Hannah Gascho Rempel
ACRL-OR, 2014-2015 President
Associate Professor & Science Librarian
Oregon State University Libraries
Corvallis, OR 97331
hannah.rempel at oregonstate.edu<mailto:hannah.rempel at oregonstate.edu>

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