[Iscn-members] Compost tour @ Republic's Pacific Region Compost

HENDRIX Tyler * DAS Tyler.HENDRIX at oregon.gov
Thu Jul 11 11:11:09 PDT 2019

Hey folks,

I'm opening up this doodle for ISCN members. We've got a few DAS sustainability team members interested but don't have big enough numbers for a visit. Limit is 10; we're looking for 5-6 more.

If you're interested in learning more about where our compost ends up now's the time! If we get enough people we'll set up a tour.



Ty Hendrix
Sustainability Analyst
Department of Administrative Services
State of Oregon
Phone: 503-580-9821
DAS Sustainability website<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Pages/Sustainability.aspx>

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