[Iscn-members] BeyondGreen: October 2019 DAS Sustainability News

WORTMAN David * DAS David.WORTMAN at oregon.gov
Wed Oct 2 16:13:28 PDT 2019

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Welcome to BeyondGreen, a newsletter supporting sustainability champions across Oregon's state agencies with news, tips and resources. This internal newsletter complements the DAS Sustainability Quarterly, which shares sustainability news from Oregon state government with an external audience.

[image]DAS, ODOE to host state agency energy savings workshop
October 29 event will focus on plug loads

Executive Order 17-20 called for DAS and ODOE to develop a statewide strategy for managing plug loads<https://www.oregon.gov/energy/Get-Involved/Documents/2018-BEEWG-Plug-Load-Strategy.pdf> - stationary equipment used in buildings that plugs in to a wall outlet. The report, completed in January 2019, provides agencies with guidance, tools and resources for managing this growing segment of electricity consumption. In 2020, agencies will be asked to start implementing plug load practices.

On October 29, DAS and ODOE will host a hands-on, interactive workshop on managing plug loads. Agencies will learn about saving energy in IT, appliances and other shared equipment, procurement practices and employee engagement. Participants can also test tools such as energy monitors and advanced plug strips, and learn about rebates and incentives available from Energy Trust of Oregon.

All agencies are strongly encouraged to send representatives including facility managers, sustainability champions, IT and procurement staff, green team members and other interested individuals.

The workshop will be held at ODOE, Room Meitner, 550 Capitol St. from 1:30-3:30. Snacks and prizes will be available to participants.

Please contact Dave Wortman<mailto:%20david.wortman at oregon.gov>, DAS Sustainability Officer with questions or to receive future workshop updates.

[Board members]Updates from the Oregon Sustainability Board

The Oregon Sustainability Board held their September meeting in Astoria, with a focus on setting work priorities for the next 1-2 years, and reviewing draft agency sustainability plan guidelines.

Among the Board's top priorities are supporting DAS sustainable procurement efforts, integrating equity and climate change into agency plans, helping develop sustainable design guidelines for state buildings, and supporting sustainable transportation efforts.

The Board also approved with suggested edits draft agency sustainability plan guidelines. A revised guidelines document will be available soon and will be distributed to agencies through the ISCN.

The Board's next meeting will be held November 15, either in Eugene or Salem. The Board will hear updates from several agencies on sustainability plans, and will likely initiate work on their high-priority projects. More agenda details will be available in mid-October.

[Talking boxes]How to talk about climate change

Tips for talking about a complex issue with staff and leadership

Talking about climate change is harder than it sounds. As the online publication Grist<https://grist.org/climate-energy/heres-everything-we-know-about-how-to-talk-about-climate-change/> suggests, imagine a game of charades in which you must suddenly convince your friends they’re in imminent, life-threatening danger. The threat is too big to grasp and the straight facts are not enough to get most people engaged. So how can you spur them to take action?

The Yale program on climate change communication<https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/news-events/global-warmings-six-americas/> and others suggest the following:

  *   Tell people what it means on the ground, for them, today and what is at stake.
  *   Tailor your message to your audience, whether it's the effect of climate change on human health, energy independence, clean technology, or future generations.
  *   Focus on empowerment and solutions, not just doom and gloom. Encourage hopeful action.
  *   Ask people to reflect on how they want to be remembered by future generations. Will they be remembered for taking action, or kicking problems down the road?

The Oregon Global Warming Commission<https://www.keeporegoncool.org/> provides links to reports, data and talking points on Oregon's climate and is a helpful resource to engage your agency in the conversation.

What's worked for your agency? Do you have tips or ideas to share?

  October 2019
In this issue

  *   October plug load workshop to support agencies
  *   Updates from the Oregon Sustainability Board
  *   How to talk about climate change

Can you spare a nickel?

Five cents - that’s about how much it costs to print one page on an office printer, all things considered (paper, ink, energy, etc.).

That may not seem like a lot, but add it up – across printers, people, pages and 260 office days a year. How many nickels do you spend?

Consider some ways to save:

  *   Use electronic meeting agendas and materials – email them to attendees ahead of time.
  *   Think before you print! Do you really need a hard copy?
  *   Consider electronic signatures where feasible.
  *   If you have a large print job, send it to the DAS Print Plant- they’ll be happy to print your job much more efficiently and cost effectively.

Marion County Earthwise Certification: 2019 home stretch

This year has been a resounding success for state agencies and the Marion County Earthwise program. Agencies across Salem have stepped up to get their buildings certified or re-certified, committing in the process to continued sustainability practices in their operations.

For those few agencies that have not submitted Earthwise applications to Marion County, the opportunity to get certified in 2019 is closing fast. It only takes a quick application and walk-through to be eligible for certification.

DAS will be hosting a recognition event in January 2020 for all agencies getting certified or re-certified in 2019. If you have any questions or need support for certification, contact the DAS Sustainability office.

Upcoming events

Getting to Zero Forum 2019<https://gettingtozeroforum.org/>, October 9-11, 2019, Oakland, CA

State Agency Plug Load Worksop, Oct. 27, 1:30-3:30pm, ODOE Room Meitner.

Oregon Sustainability Board, November 15, 2019, 9:30 am-3pm. Location TBD.


DAS Sustainability web site<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Pages/Sustainability.aspx>

EO 17-20: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction in the built environment. <https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Documents/executive_orders/eo_17-20.pdf>

EO 17-21: Zero emission vehicle adoption<https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Documents/executive_orders/eo_17-21.pdf>

DAS Statewide Resource Conservation Policy<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Policies/107-011-010.pdf>

DAS Statewide Green Chemistry Procurement Guidelines<https://www.oregon.gov/das/policies/107-009-0080.pdf>

Energy Trust of Oregon<https://www.energytrust.org/>

DEQ Materials Management Program<https://www.oregon.gov/deq/mm/Pages/default.aspx>

Contact DAS Sustainability

Dave Wortman, Statewide Sustainability Officer


david.wortman at oregon.gov<mailto:david.wortman at oregon.gov>

Ranya Aboras, Energy Analyst


Ranya.Aboras at oregon.gov<mailto:Ranya.Aboras at oregon.gov>

State of Oregon • Department of Administrative Services • October 2019

[Oregon Department of Administrative Services]

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