[Iscn-members] FW: (PSSR Headquarters) PSSR MED Workshop: Shifting from Theory to the Practical Application of Equity

WORTMAN David * DAS David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov
Mon Dec 19 13:52:49 PST 2022

Feb ’23
PSSR MED Workshop: Shifting from Theory to the Practical Application of Equity
Posted by Carolina M.
Thursday, February 2, 2:30pm – 4:00pm PST
Carolina Martins
Thursday, February 2nd, from 2:30- 4PM

Join the PSSR Member Engagement & Development Workgroup for a virtual workshop led by staff from the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability.

To attend via Zoom, you must register HERE<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgreshamoregon.zoom.us%2Fmeeting%2Fregister%2FtZArdemqrz0iGtKXSjWqsIS38RHE10HK9_UT&data=05%7C01%7CDavid.WORTMAN%40das.oregon.gov%7Cdbc7db98af7643ee427008dae203d59a%7Caa3f6932fa7c47b4a0cea598cad161cf%7C0%7C0%7C638070803342160714%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=8ce4ImZ7DNhXiSBgUK4%2F3D00kfp7WDuGbfZbAu2Lao4%3D&reserved=0> in advance.

Background Information
The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) was an early adopter of an equity framework for decision making. With the support of the Bureau’s first Equity Manager, a suite of tools and resources were developed to support staff in understanding the language and theory of racial equity work; and to support project managers, coordinators and team leaders in thoughtfully applying a racial equity lens to their projects and programs. After five years of use, the Bureau engaged in a year-long collaborative process to update and refine the existing tools based on user experience and the changing landscape. The newly redesigned BPS Equity Toolkit provides for ease of use during virtual or in-person work sessions.

About This Event
It will consist of: 1) background on the development of the Equity Toolkit and experience applying it to projects within the Bureau; 2) a tour of the first three sections of the Toolkit; 3) an interactive breakout group exercise on a mock land use project; and 4) a short panel discussion with the Equity and Engagement Team.

Measurable Learning Objectives
Understanding of when and how to use the Toolkit. Increased motivation to hold yourself and those around you accountable to using a racial equity lens.

Belief that racial equity tools can make a difference and practical knowledge for applying such tools in decision making.

Featured Speakers:
Harmonee Dashiell (she/her/hers) is the Community Engagement Strategist for the City of Portland – Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. Harmonee has extensive experience in the design and delivery of community-facing workshops. She specializes in outreach and equity and has a passion for working with youth. She has committed her career to evaluating and changing the way that the City interacts with and incorporates the voices of the people it serves. Harmonee grew up in Portland and started working for the City of Portland at 15 years old and has been able to shape the work that she does to serve the communities that have historically been overlooked.
Nikoyia Phillips (she/her/hers) is a multi-disciplinary equity practitioner, trainer and community organizer with over 15 years of experience. Her special areas of interest include; exploring internalized oppression, building diverse teams and popular education methods of teaching. As an Equity Manager, her role is to design and guide the bureau and its first Equity and Engagement team, in the implementation of their 5-yr Racial Equity Work Plan strategies. Nikoyia is a second-generation Portlander, identifies as Black and uses she/her pronouns. She lives and organizes in East Portland with her 2 dogs Gemini and Aries.

Please email   carolina_martins at washingtoncountyor.gov<mailto:carolina_martins at washingtoncountyor.gov>  with any questions.

We look forward to seeing you!

Carolina Martins and Dave Wortman
PSSR MED Co-Chairs

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This message was sent to Abby Alway, Abigail Thyer-Ohly, Adam Helvey, Aimee Reichert, Alex Mihm, Amanda Ingmire, Amanda Watson, Andrea Caudill, Andrew Bartlett, Angie Marzano, Ari Ettinger, Ashley Zanolli, Bobbi Kidd, Briar Schoon (she/her), Bruce Barbarasch, Carolina Martins, Chad Naugle, Chase McVeigh Walker, Clackamas Business Team, Clay Stilwell, Cody Kleinsmith, Collina Beard, Craige Mazur, Dacia Bakkum, Dana Visse, Danny Morato, David O'Longaigh, David Thames, David Wortman, Deborah Rose, Deveron, Donny Leader, Doris González, Eben Polk, Edward Reed, Elaine Baker, Elana Zuber, Elizabeth Stover, Emily Meharg, Eric LoPrete, Garret Vanderzanden, Gary Pagenstecher, Gregg Hayward (he/him), Haley Ellett, Hannah Morrison, Heather Dimke, Highland Edelman, Hope Estes, Jen Brown, Jenifer Smith, Jenna Garmon, Jennifer Stefanick, Jenny McNamara, Jeremy Tovey, Jerry Gabrielatos, Johnny Dea, jonathan rivin, Jordan Palmeri, Kat Davis, Kelly Hoell, Kelly Stewart, Kellys test account, Kevin Boylan, Kittie Kong, Knowledge Murphy, Liz Erickson, Maddie Cheek, Mark Nystrom, Maya Buchanan, Maya Buelow, mccaffrm at ohsu.edu, Megan Shuler, Meghan Borato, Melissa Walton Hendricks, Michelle Colletti, Miranda Williams, Molly Hatfield, Monica Fleisher, Nancy Nordman, Natalie Rogers, Nathan Jones, Pam Neild, Patricia Farrell, Peter Brandom, Rachel Dorfman, Rebecca Small, Robin Straughan (she/her), Rosalynn Greene, Sabrina Bonser, Sara Mihm, Sarah Allison, Scott Dybvad, Scott Keller, Shannon Martin, Shawn Lai Postera, SILVIA TANNER, Sonrisa Cooper, Stacey Foreman, Stacy Ludington, Stephania Fregosi, Stephanie Millar, Steven R. Markham, Stu Green, Terry Muralt, Theresa Blaine, Tim Lynch, Tina Nunez-Osterink, Troy Builta, Viccy Salazar, Zach Baker, Zach Kearl, and Zechariah Heck.
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