[Iscn-members] Reminder, Webinar Tomorrow: Going Paperless, Two Agency Case Studies

WORTMAN David * DAS David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov
Wed Oct 12 09:47:26 PDT 2022


Just a reminder of our webinar tomorrow on how two of our agencies learned to go paperless during the pandemic and how other agencies can replicate their experience.

Here is a recap of the agenda:

  1.  Introduction: Why consider going paperless? How it fits into agency sustainability efforts. (Dave Wortman, DAS Sustainability) - 10 minutes
  2.  OHA/DHS - 15 minutes
  3.  ODOT - 15 minutes
  4.  Group Q and A: discussion - how can other agencies replicate? - 20 mins (Adam Helvey, DAS Sustainable Procurement Officer)
  5.  Wrap up

Please distribute to anyone interested in your agencies. We will also be recording this for future viewing.

Thank you!

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