[kids-lib] Call for OYEA Award Nominations

Starnes, Kristin Kristin.Starnes at ci.corvallis.or.us
Wed Feb 18 10:37:23 PST 2009

Please excuse cross-posting.
> OYAN is looking to honor exceptional work done in the field of
> teen/young adult services in the state of Oregon. Nominations are now
> being accepted for an individual, library, organization, program, or
> initiative that has made a positive and significant contribution to
> teens in Oregon libraries.
> A complete nomination will include nominee's name and contact
> information, and a thorough description of the nominee's contribution
> to teen services. We encourage the inclusion of any supporting letters
> that may be appropriate, especially from teens themselves. 
> All nominations should be sent to Curtis Kiefer, OYAN's Award
> Committee Chairperson, via email or post. Please also include the
> nominator's contact information in case of questions. Nominations must
> be received by Friday, March 13, 2009. 
> Email: curtis.kiefer at ci.corvallis.or.us 
> Post: Curtis Kiefer, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis, OR 97330
> OYAN will host an OYEA! Award reception at the OLA/WLA joint
> conference honoring all nominees. The winning individual, library, or
> organization will receive a $100 honorarium, an award plaque, and an
> optional scholarship if financial assistance is needed to attend the
> award reception.
> For a complete description of the award process, please see OLA
> Bylaws, Chapter 16B:
> http://www.olaweb.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=61066. 
> The Awards Committee looks forward to hearing about the great work
> being done for teens in Oregon libraries!
Kristin Starnes, OYAN Chair
Youth Services Librarian
Corvallis-Benton County Public Library
645 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330
kristin.starnes at ci.corvallis.or.us

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