[kids-lib] Call for Nominations for the 2009 Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award

Dan White dwhite at cityofsalem.net
Mon Jan 26 13:56:10 PST 2009

Please excuse any cross-posting.

Help celebrate the 150th anniversary of Oregon by nominating an Oregon
author, librarian, or educator for the 2009 Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award!

We are seeking nominations of outstanding Oregon authors, librarians or
educators who have made significant contributions in the areas of
literature and/or library service for the benefit of the children of

The Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award, presented by the Children's Services
Division of the Oregon Library Association at the OLA Annual Conference,
is given in memory of the noted Oregon teacher, journalist and author of
children's books.

 Nominations will be accepted until Friday February 20, 2009. 

To be eligible for the award: 

The person shall reside principally in Oregon. 
The award shall be given for personal accomplishments to recognize the
individual's contribution and shall not be conferred upon an individual
representing the accomplishments of many.
Only living persons may be considered for the award.

When submitting a nomination please include the following information.  

Nominee's name 

Nominee's title, address, and phone (if known)

Description of the nominee's significant and lasting contributions over
the years that have benefited the children of Oregon

Please e-mail or send your nomination to:
Dan R. White
Youth Services, Teen Librarian
Salem Public Library
P.O. Box 14810
Salem, OR  97309
Fax:  503-588-6055
dwhite at cityofsalem.net 

Dan R. White
Youth Services, Teen Librarian
Salem Public Library
P.O. Box 14810
Salem, OR  97309
dwhite at cityofsalem.net

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