[kids-lib] OYEA Award Nominations Due by March 25,2009

Kiefer, Curtis Curtis.Kiefer at ci.corvallis.or.us
Wed Mar 18 17:10:05 PDT 2009

Nomination Period Extended to Wednesday March 25, 2009 
OYAN is looking to honor exceptional work done in the field of
teen/young adult services in the state of Oregon. Nominations are now
being accepted for an individual, library, organization, program, or
initiative that has made a positive and significant contribution to
teens in Oregon libraries.
A complete nomination will include nominee's name and contact
information, and a thorough description of the nominee's contribution to
teen services. We encourage the inclusion of any supporting letters that
may be appropriate, especially from teens themselves. 
All nominations should be sent to Curtis Kiefer, OYAN's Award Committee
Chairperson, via email or post. Please also include the nominator's
contact information in case of questions. Nominations must be received
by Wednesday March 25, 2009. 
Email: curtis.kiefer at ci.corvallis.or.us 
Post: Curtis Kiefer, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis, OR 97330 
OYAN will host an OYEA! Award reception at the OLA/WLA joint conference
honoring all nominees. The winning individual, library, or organization
will receive a $100 honorarium, an award plaque, and an optional
scholarship if financial assistance is needed to attend the award
For a complete description of the award process, please see OLA Bylaws,
Chapter 16B: http://www.olaweb.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=61066. 
The Awards Committee looks forward to hearing about the great work being
done for teens in Oregon libraries! 

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