[kids-lib] More Summer Reading resources available Online!

Esther Moberg esther_creslib at centurytel.net
Tue Apr 27 17:20:34 PDT 2010

More resources are available on the CSLP website for this year's summer
reading program "Make A Splash-Read!". Brand new this year is an early
literacy manual for summer reading programs available only at the CSLP
website. While there are early literacy ideas integrated into this year's
Make a Splash manual - the website also has some different ideas that are in
a separate location specific to Early Literacy. You must log in or create an
account to access the files. 

To create an account, go to www.cslpreads.org <http://www.cslpreads.org/> .
please click on "create account". Fill out the registration form and click
the "register" button at the bottom of the screen. You will now have a
username and password to access the members only parts of the website. To
access the early literacy section, please click on Learning Tools >Family

You will also have access to:

An online forum to exchange ideas and discuss issues

Videos of signing(sign language songs and fingerplays)

Rules of Use information

Order forms for the tactile SRP materials

CSLP booklist with accessibility information for each title

Any questions, please contact

Esther Moberg - CSD Summer Reading Chair

Esther_creslib at centurytel.net



All Oregon public, volunteer, and tribal libraries are members of the
Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP). CSLP membership dues are paid
for by the State Library with LSTA funds. Summer reading manuals are
distributed by OLA's Children's services Division. 

For more information contact one of your CSLP representatives:

Esther Moberg CSD Summer Reading Chair: Esther_creslib at centurytel.net

Paige Bentley, CSD In-coming Summer Reading Chair: paigeb at dpls.lib.or.us

Heidi Weisel, OYAN CSLP Liaison: heidi.weisel at ci.corvallis.or.us

Katie Anderson, CSLP Oregon State Representative: Katie.anderson at state.or.us


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