[kids-lib] Professional development opportunity

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Aug 17 12:17:05 PDT 2010

Announcing the second annual Oregon Afterschool Conference!

The Conference will be held at Crossler Middle School in Salem on November 6, 2010.  We have the wonderful Shelley Lucas presenting as keynote and a great line up of speakers!  Please see our full conference brochure at http://www.oregonask.org/external_files/OAC.brochure2010.pdf.

Libraries play a unique role in afterschool-afterschool is the common term for organized programs, activities or childcare provided for youth in K-12th Grade. Library youth services staff are afterschool providers, and are resources for other afterschool providers looking for materials on child development, behavior management, planning activities, etc.  You are an afterschool provider if you conduct summer reading programs, facilitate book clubs for kids, host youth gaming events, or run a teen advisory council!  As an afterschool provider you have access to a wider range of professional development opportunities like the Oregon Afterschool Conference.

Here are a few sessions at the Oregon Afterschool School Conference that may be of particular interest to children's and teen librarians:

The Zone: Partnering with Schools to Support Student Success-Presenter: Krina Lemons
Aligning afterschool homework assistance with school day academics is critical in supporting student success. Join this session as we share best practice strategies that make homework time afterschool more effective, how to integrate test taking skills and student progress goals; and ways to build positive relationships with schools and families.

Engage in the Everyday Practice of Positive Youth Development-Presenter: Pamela Rose
When we engage in the everyday practice of positive youth development (PYD), young people thrive!  This hands-on workshop will engage participants in digging into the principles of PYD and also putting these principles into everyday practice.  Regardless of your position, you can create intentional opportunities for youth to become positively engaged.

Respectable Accommodations-Presenter: Lorine Day-Reynolds
Making your afterschool program accessible to children with disabilities will require creative and responsive accommodations. This session provides an overview of philosophy of inclusion and insight into what constitutes a "respectful accommodation." Specific examples of accommodations for children and how various types of disabilities are included.

Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528
OregonASK (http://www.oregonask.org/)
Oregon After School for Kids is a collaboration of public and private organizations and community members which seek to address common issues and concerns across all out-of-school time services - child care, recreation, education and youth development. Our goal is that all Oregon children, youth and families will have access to quality out-of-school time options within their communities. All services will enhance children's positive development, and future opportunities while keeping them safe from harm. All programs, services and activities will be of high quality and contribute to strong communities and schools.

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