[kids-lib] summer reading copyright?

Su (Ikeda) Liudahl opalsu at gmail.com
Thu May 27 15:32:53 PDT 2010

I've been biting my tongue (fingers?) on this topic, but I appreciate BJ
expressing my sentiments exactly--and so eloquently. I agree 100%.

Su Liudahl (formerly Ikeda)
Library Director
Creswell Library / Lane Library District
64 West Oregon Avenue
PO Box 366
Creswell, Oregon  97426
(541) 895-3053

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 3:03 PM, BJ Toewe <bjtoewe at cityofsalem.net> wrote:

>  Hi Katie,
> I am supposed to be out of the summer reading loop but can't contain my
> thoughts on this, in spite of trying really hard.
> I would like to see delegates to CSLP actively lobby for changes to this
> rule.  There seems to be less validity in participating in a cooperative
> that disallows use of the summer reading program clip art for customized
> reading logs, final certificates, etc.  While I understand that Highsmith
> would like to be sole source for all things reading club, their pricing
> doesn't make it possible for many, many libraries to order their products.
> While I value things that many libraries would never be able to afford - a
> large vinyl banner in full color, a variety of t-shirts sporting the summer
> theme, full color bookmarks - I question the wisdom of CSLP negotiating a
> contract that won't allow a small library to print off reading logs or
> certificates on their photocopier using that summer's clip art.  One of the
> main reasons for joining this cooperative was the ability to obtain high
> quality art work that would have been unaffordable for Oregon to obtain on
> its own.  However, the strength of branding is negated when libraries are
> not allowed to use that artwork to create their summer reading materials.
> I know from when I was the CSLP rep that Highsmith enjoys a really
> wonderful return on the investment it makes of time and money to produce
> these materials.  I also know that CSLP benefits with a percentage kickback
> from Highsmith that can be used to reinvest in continuing this venture from
> year to year.  I don't think that either entity would find participation in
> future years unaffordable if this rule was changed.  Perhaps total income
> would go down but making this program work for libraries with smaller
> reading club budgets should be an important aspect as well.  Finally, if
> this is untenable to Highsmith, we all know of other vendors who might be
> interested in collaborating with CSLP, even with the change in clip art
> rules.  While I'm not advocating for moving from Highsmith as our vendor, I
> do think that the rules for use of clip art are in drastic need of change.
> If my assessment of this situation doesn't accurately reflect the views of
> youth services librarians around the state, please do weigh in on the
> subject.  I certainly haven't taken the time to make calls and survey
> librarians around the state.
> My two (long-winded) cents....
> BJ
>  BJ Toewe
> Library Administrator
> Salem Public Library
> PO Box 14810
> Salem, OR   97309
> 503-588-6084
> bjtoewe at cityofsalem.net
> >>> Katie Anderson <katie.anderson at state.or.us> 5/26/2010 4:12 PM >>>
> Hello!  I just received the following question, and thought you all might
> like to know the answer.
> Katie, maybe I am misunderstanding but it seems that some of the Oregon
> libraries are misunderstanding the copyright issue – basically to not
> compete with items already sold by Highsmith/upstart? I think they are
> seeing it as all clipart being copyrighted by highsmith and unable to be
> used by them when in fact they can use the clipart for their everything that
> is not duplicating what highsmith currently sales in their catalog? If I’m
> wrong on this, please correct me.
> Thanks!
> Yes, you are correct!  Both the clip-art in the manual and by the artists
> can be used for products that do not duplicate what Highsmith currently
> offers.
> The clarification is around what is considered a duplication of paper
> products.  For example, many libraries around the country have different
> reading goals/records, therefore the reading records offered by Highsmith
> don’t work for them.  In the past we thought it was OK to use the clip-art
> to create our own reading record because Highsmith didn’t offer a similar
> reading record.  This year we learned that since Highsmith offers *a*reading record we can’t use the clip-art to create a different type of
> reading record.  We can still use the art on sign-up forms, events
> calendars, booklists, event promotions/signs/brochures, and other materials
> not available to purchase from Highsmith/Upstart.
> Thanks,
> katie
> Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
> * Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
> Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
> katie.anderson at state.or.us, 503-378-2528
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