[kids-lib] Free Library Continuing Education Events for April

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Mon Apr 4 15:47:50 PDT 2011

Hi!  Here are the upcoming FREE online education events of interest to library staff who work with children and teens:

Grantseeking Basics (GrantSpace)
 April 5
Gain an introduction to the world of foundation fundraising. Are you a representative of a nonprofit organization? Are you new to fundraising? Do you want to learn how the funding research process works, and what tools and resources are available? Learn how to become a better grantseeker! In this class we will cover: what you need to have in place before you seek a grant; the world of grantmakers; the grantseeking process; and available tools and resources.
 For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://grantspace.org/Classroom/Training-Calendar/Live-Webinars/Grantseeking-Basics-2011-04-05-Webinar
Tackling Tough Topics in Books for Youth  (Booklist)
 April 7
Finding ways to talk to children and teens about tough issues, from the Holocaust to contemporary racism, can be daunting. Booklist YA editor Gillian Engberg hosts a panel discussing high-quality youth literature that can help young people expand their awareness and start discussions on challenging subjects. Attendees will hear the perspectives of a publisher, an author, a youth-literature professor, and an educational consultant, and they will also have the opportunity to connect with panelists by submitting questions and comments of their own.
 For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.booklistonline.com/GeneralInfo.aspx?id=63
Database of the Month: CultureGrams (Wyoming State Library)
 April 7
Whether you are traveling to a new state or country, curious about recipes from around the world, or writing a report, CultureGrams is a great place to start.  It includes each country's customs, traditions and daily life; photos, flags and anthems.
 For more information and to register for this program, visit: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/199090774
Superbooks: How Graphic Novels Can Save Your Library (Booklist)
 April 12
By now you have probably heard plenty of anecdotal evidence about how a strong graphic-novel collection can draw in hordes of readers to your library and encourage independent reading. But, being the hard-numbers-driven type that you are, you might be looking for a little proof. In this hour-long webinar, sponsored by Top Shelf Productions, ABDO Publishing Group, and SLG Publishing, Booklist associate editor Ian Chipman is joined by Christian Zabriskie, Assistant Coordinator of Young-Adult Services at Queens Library, whose research will open your eyes to the true potential for graphic novels, both for adults and youth, to spike those circulation numbers through the roof. And with looks at exciting new titles from our three sponsors, this is an event you can't afford to miss.
 For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.booklistonline.com/GeneralInfo.aspx?id=63
Teen Literature Update 2011 (Infopeople)
 April 12
The world of young adult literature is an inherently dynamic one and one that, in the last decade, has become among the most active in publishing. Each new publishing season brings a plethora of new titles, new forms, and new formats, many of which require new methods of evaluation. Keeping up with all of these changes and the new titles flooding the market can be a full-time job. This webinar will help students identify new trends and the best new titles and resources for collection development.
 For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://infopeople.org/training/view/webinar

This information comes to you by way of:
The Accessible Technology Coalition, American Library Association, American Management Association, Booklist, GrantSpace, Infopeople, insynctraining, Library Journal, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, Texas State Library & Archives Commission, TLT Group, WebJunction, and the Wyoming State Library will be webcasting the following FREE programs during April.  These programs and others are listed on the Wyoming Libraries Planning Calendar: http://will.state.wy.us/ldo/planningcalendar.html

Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528

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