[kids-lib] QUESTION: ECRR Toolkit

Currier Barbara b_a_currier at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 8 15:35:01 PST 2012

Good Day, Good People!

I would like an opinion, please, of this set of materials from ALA. It looks very interesting, complete and helpful, but if it requires a degree in early childhood development and decades of experience teaching preschool children to implement, it probably isn't for me and not a good use of $200 of our 2013 Ready to Read Grant.I will be Children's Librarian here in Albany in April. I do have 20 years experience teaching in the public schools: math, science, computer literacy, higher order thinking skills (H.O.T.S.), and information literacy, and was a teacher-to-teacher technology mentor. So, basically, I am capable of leading or facilitating workshops in general. Is that enough of a foundation to make this a good investment for our Children's Department? I hope to be able to partner with local parenting education and childcare faculty and staff and use this as a core upon which to build workshops for our staff and for parents, at the least.I could
 present the included material and they could bolster it with practical experience and advice. Or, that was my initial inspiration upon finding this toolkit.

Have any of you worked with the _Every Child Ready to Read® (ECRR) Second Edition Toolkit_?

Thank you for your attention,
Barbara Currier
Library Assistant, Children's Department
Albany Public Library
2450 14th Ave. SE

Albany, OR 97322
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