[kids-lib] Fwd: Announcing 2013-2014 Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Nominations (for next school year)

Jacqueline Partch jacquelp at multcolib.org
Mon Mar 4 11:23:27 PST 2013

Below are the 2013-14 Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Award nominees...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin and Libby Hamler-Dupras <hdfamily at q.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Announcing 2013-2014 Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Nominations
(for next school year)
To: Jay orand <jdorand at hotmail.com>, oasl-all at oasl.memberclicks.net

On behalf of the Beverly Cleary Children’s Choice Committee, we would like
to announce next year’s BCCCA Nominations!****

** **

*2013-2014 Beverly Cleary Children’s Choice Nominations*

* *

Cameron, Ann.  *Spunky Tells All.   *AR 3.4****

Jenkins, Emily.  *Invisible Inkling.   AR 3.6 *****

MacLachlan, Patricia.  *Waiting for the Magic.  *AR 3.0****

Messner, Kate.  *Marty McGuire.   *AR 3.8****

Pennypacker, Sara.  *Clementine and the Family Meeting.   *AR AR 3.9****

Schoenberg, Jane.  *The One and Only Stuey Lewis: Stories From the Second
Grade.  *AR 2.9****

Vande Velde, Vivian.  *8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel (Divided by) 1
Dog=Chaos.    *AR 4.4****

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Libby Hamler-Dupras, BCCCA Chair****

hdfamily at Q.com****

* *

*Jackie Partch*
School Corps Lead Worker
Multnomah County Library
Phone: 503.988.6004
Fax: 503.988.5441
*jacquelp at multcolib.org*
* <http://www.multcolib.org/>**facebook.com/multcolib*
*Work schedule: Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays
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