[kids-lib] Fall CSD workshop- registration CLOSES on 10/15/13!

Korie Jones Buerkle korie.buerkle at newbergoregon.gov
Wed Oct 2 16:28:50 PDT 2013

Don't miss the Fall Children's Services Division workshop! Registration CLOSES on 10/15/13.

Come soak in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)! The preschool and younger group are ready for exciting concepts- find out how to engage this group with a lively presentation by Heather McNeil, Nathan Jones, Jaime Thoreson, Holly Polivka and Steven Engelfried. And don't miss out on the latest brain development information from Joann Contini!

Registration is ONLY $15 for CSD members, or $20 for non-members, including lunch.

This event is on Saturday, October 19th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tigard Public Library. Register today at:

Questions? Just let me know...


Korie Buerkle
Children's Librarian | Assistant Library Director
Newberg Public Library | OLA CSD Chair
Children's Desk: 503 537 0304 | Office: 503 554 7734

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