[kids-lib] *NEW!* CSD Facebook + Pinterest Page

Taylor Worley taylorlgkw at gmail.com
Sat Aug 2 14:31:22 PDT 2014

*Please pardon cross-posting. *

Hi Everyone!

So we're trying to get a little techier and effecient over at CSD, and so
we've set up a Facebook page <https://www.facebook.com/csdola>. If you are
more of a Pinterest <http://www.pinterest.com/olacsd/>person, we've got one
of those too!

Now, bear with us as we grow. If you would like to be invovled in growing
the Pinterest or Facebook page, please let me know and we can arrange that.
Especially with Facebook, it doesn't work if we don't get our likes up
fairly quickly. So, don't wait! Like CSD OLA on Facebook today, and stay
invovled with the best profession on the planet. (We all know it's true.)

*Taylor Worley                                                 *Youth
Services Librarian, Springfield Public Library
*"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and
stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -A. A. Milne*
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