[kids-lib] Doodle: "REFORMA Oregon organizational meeting" Update

Martín Blasco MartinB at wccls.org
Tue Aug 26 13:27:38 PDT 2014


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The following poll is to check which is the most convenient day for you to have the first organizational meeting to create a chapter of REFORMA in Oregon.
In the last OLA conference, many librarians serving the Spanish speaking community showed interest and support to have our own chapter in the state. I hope that you can attend the meeting, but first complete the poll. Muchas gracias.

Go to poll<https://doodle.com/p5dhdxzxdgkvt8xiuabga58x/admin?tmail=poll_added_participant_admin&tlink=adminbtn#table>

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Doodle AG, Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zürich

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