[kids-lib] Seeking Reviewers for the Proficiency-Based Teaching and Learning Grant

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Thu Feb 20 11:27:32 PST 2014

Posted on behalf of ODE and OEIB...

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB) are seeking qualified volunteers to serve as grant proposal reviewers for the Proficiency-Based Teaching and Learning Grant.  Ideally, reviewers will come from a variety of backgrounds - business, industry, education, labor - and from a wide range of experiences - partnerships, equity, sustainability, counseling, in addition to being geographically, racially and ethnically diverse.  ODE staff will attempt to match grant proposals to reviewer expertise.  Reviewers will receive reimbursement for travel expenses at per diem rates and lunch will be provided on March 10th.  Substitute teacher expenses will be reimbursed by ODE for March 10th according to established policy. Please do not apply if you are affiliated in any way with this application.

In 2013, under the leadership of Governor John Kitzhaber, the Oregon Education Investment Board proposed key strategic investments to support Oregon's attainment of the 40/40/20 goal.  One of the focused strategies is to scale-up proficiency-based teaching and learning practices in Oregon.

·         Access to computer, internet and phone.
·         Expertise and time to review 3-5 proposals between February 27th and March 5th.
·         Participation in online training from 9-9:30 am on Thursday, February 27st  OR from 8:30 am - 9:00 am on Friday, February 28st, 2014.
·         All-day attendance at a meeting in Salem, Oregon on Monday, March 10th,  2014 from 9:00 am- 3:00 pm (or accessible by phone during these times if you are more than 2.5+ hours away).

·         Proposals will be available electronically.
·         Reviewers will read and score proposals using materials provided during the online training.
·         Scores must be submitted electronically by Friday, March 7th,  2014.
·         Reviewers will meet in Salem (or via phone) on Monday, March 10th to work on final scoring and comments.
·         Final scores will be provided to the Deputy Superintendent, Rob Saxton, for review and final recommendations of grant awards.

If you are interested in being a reviewer, please click here<https://docs.google.com/a/oregonlearning.org/forms/d/1k5ABJvNZQrdHO8INylTT44eEn0jkXGmPXoAgnCWQzoQ/edit> (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1k5ABJvNZQrdHO8INylTT44eEn0jkXGmPXoAgnCWQzoQ/viewform?edit_requested=true ) to complete the online application.  Due to the limited turnaround time, the deadline to submit this application is Friday, February 21st by 4:00 pm.

Approved applicants should receive an appointment letter by Monday, February 24th, 2014 explaining the details of the review and travel reimbursement process.

Click here<http://www.ode.state.or.us/superintendent/priorities/proficiency-based-teaching-and-learning-grant.rtf> (http://www.ode.state.or.us/superintendent/priorities/proficiency-based-teaching-and-learning-grant.rtf) more information about the grant.

Please contact me [Nicole Dalton] if you have additional questions.

Thank you,

Nicole Dalton
Education Specialist

Office of Learning | Instruction, Standards, Assessment, & Accountability Unit | Oregon Department of Education
É 503.947.5603 | Fax: 503.378.5156 | *nicole.dalton at state.or.us

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