[kids-lib] CSLP Teen Video Challenge 2015 with attachments ;o)

K'Lyn Hann klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov
Tue Nov 4 12:33:43 PST 2014

[Third times a charm, right? Attachments included.]

 NOTE: All Oregon public, volunteer, and tribal libraries are members of CSLP.  Their membership is supported by OLA and is paid for by IMLS through the LSTA administered by the Oregon State Library.

CSLP has released their announcement of the 2015 Teen Video Challenge, and here are the model release forms and the Oregon entry form!

The state level submission deadline is February 13, 2015 to get the forms completed and postmarked to me or emailed to oyancslp at gmail.com<mailto:oyancslp at gmail.com>.

You can read more about the contest, and get some good tips for teen auteurs, at www.cslpreads.org/challenge-overview.html<http://www.cslpreads.org/challenge-overview.html>. You can access more materials from CSLP by logging in to their website.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov<mailto:klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov>  or (503)554-7732.

Thank you for helping to make this opportunity available for teens in your area!

--K'Lyn Hann

OYAN CSLP Liaison 2014-2016
Newberg Public Library
503 E Hancock St,  Newberg, OR 97132
ph:  503.554.7732

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