[kids-lib] Oregon REFORMA chapter

Martín Blasco MartinB at wccls.org
Thu Sep 11 15:49:16 PDT 2014

Hola a tod at s:

Our first meeting to form the new chapter of REFORMA in Oregon is going to be, by popular demand, on Saturday, November 8, at the Gresham Library (part of the Multnomah County Library), 385 NW Miller Ave, Gresham, OR 97030, from 10 a.m. to 4:00. I’ll be sending you a draft of the agenda soon.
Please, confirm if you can make it. Thank you so much and I see you then,


Martín Blasco
Outreach Librarian for Latino and Youth Services Program
Washington County Cooperative Library Services | 503-681-5093
martinb at wccls.org<mailto:martinb at wccls.org> | facebook.org/bibliotecaswccls<http://www.facebook.org/bibliotecaswccls>

“Que otros se jacten de las páginas que han escrito;
a mí me enorgullecen las que he leído.”
“Let others brag about the pages which they have written,
I’m proud of those which I have read.”
Jorge Luis borges

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