[kids-lib] Mock Pura Belpré Awards

Martín Blasco MartinB at wccls.org
Wed Dec 9 13:52:01 PST 2015

Hi Everyone:

Three more days for the event. Please, if you have copies of the titles to be considered for the awards, bring them with you. It’s going to be easier for the discussion groups to have the copies (as many as you can bring).
Thank you again and I see you on Saturday.


Martín Blasco
Outreach Librarian for Latino and Youth Services Program
Washington County Cooperative Library Services | 503-681-5093
martinb at wccls.org<mailto:martinb at wccls.org> | facebook.org/bibliotecaswccls<http://www.facebook.org/bibliotecaswccls>

"Hay quienes no pueden imaginar un mundo sin pájaros; hay quienes no pueden imaginar un mundo sin agua; en lo que a mi se refiere, soy incapaz de imaginar un mundo sin libros".
“There are those who cannot imagine a world without birds; those who cannot imagine a world without water; as far as I am concerned, I am unable to imagine a world without books.”
Jorge Luis Borges

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