[kids-lib] Next REFORMA Oregon chapter meeting

Martín Blasco MartinB at wccls.org
Mon Mar 9 12:36:49 PDT 2015

Hola reformistas:

By popular demand, we’ll have our next REFORMA Oregon meeting on Saturday, June 6 at Hood River Library from 10 to 4. I’ll remind you again few weeks before the date, but put it in your calendar now, just in case. Please, talk to anybody who is interested, being member of REFORMA or not. The more, the merrier.
Have a wonderful, sunny week. Nos vemos,

I will send the agenda (if you already have suggestions, welcome!) and the minutes close to that day. Also, sorry if I send you this message twice.

Martín Blasco
Outreach Librarian for Latino and Youth Services Program
Washington County Cooperative Library Services | 503-681-5093
martinb at wccls.org<mailto:martinb at wccls.org> | facebook.org/bibliotecaswccls<http://www.facebook.org/bibliotecaswccls>

“Cuando creíamos que teníamos todas las respuestas, de pronto, cambiaron todas las preguntas”.
“When we thought that we had all the answers, suddenly, all the questions changed.”
Mario Benedetti (Uruguayan author)

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