[kids-lib] Beverly Cleary birthday resources, including bookmark template

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Apr 5 10:08:33 PDT 2016

April 12th is Beverly Cleary's 100th birthday. The Oregon State Library, Oregon Library Association, and Oregon Public Broadcasting have partnered to put together some resources to help public libraries celebrate.

*         OPB's Oregon Art Beat episode "Discovering Beverly Cleary<http://www.opb.org/television/programs/artbeat/episodes/>" is streaming on their website NOW!

*         Each public library received a Beverly Cleary birthday envelope that includes the following items. Public library directors were notified of the birthday envelope last week so ask your director about it.

o   Information about an Instagram contest for you and your patrons

o   100 bookmarks with new, original art created by Ramona illustrator Tracy Dockray

o   DVD of the OPB's Oregon Art Beat episode "Discovering Beverly Cleary" which will air on OPB TV April 7th and 9th

o   Balloons: 3 that say "Happy Birthday Beverly Cleary" and 2 plain balloons

*         Gale has pulled out some of their content about Beverly Cleary into a Biography in Context portal<http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/bic1/person/actionWin?resetBreadCrumb=&query=&prodId=BIC1&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&display-query=&mode=view&limiter=&showDisambiguation=true&displayGroups=&p=BIC1&action=e&catId=GALE%7CAAA000069880&scanId=&source=Bookmark&u=osl_trl_2016&password=trial> for your convenience. This may be a great resource for students doing homework projects and anyone else who wants to learn more about Beverly Cleary. There are biographies, articles from academic journals, audio recordings of interviews, and articles from magazines and newspapers. You may want to link to this page from your website or promote it on social media during the month of April. Some of resources included in the Beverly Cleary Biography in Context<http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/bic1/person/actionWin?resetBreadCrumb=&query=&prodId=BIC1&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&display-query=&mode=view&limiter=&showDisambiguation=true&displayGroups=&p=BIC1&action=e&catId=GALE%7CAAA000069880&scanId=&source=Bookmark&u=osl_trl_2016&password=trial#images> portal are not part of Oregon's statewide database licensing package, but Gale has generously allowed all Oregonians access to them via our statewide contract during the month of April in honor of Beverly Cleary's 100th birthday.

*         Visit OPB's Discovering Beverly Cleary <http://www.opb.org/artsandlife/series/beverlycleary/> webpage and the Oregon Library Association's 100 Years of Beverly Cleary<http://www.csdola.org/100-years-of-beverly-cleary.html> webpage for more resources and activity ideas.

*         Attached are templates if you would like to print more bookmarks to distribute for the occasion. The illustration, courtesy of Tracy Dockray, is used with permission from HarperCollins Books. The template with four bookmarks is probably best for printing in-house at your library and the template with one bookmark is probably best for sending out to a professional printer. If you use the four bookmarks template, be sure to print only one to make sure it prints properly (top to top). If it prints top to bottom, then you'll need to adjust your printer settings and test it again before printing multiple copies.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Katie Anderson, Youth Services Consultant
Library Support and Development Services<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/LD/pages/index.aspx>
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528

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