[kids-lib] Beaverton City Library Jobs - Youth Services Librarian & Bilingual Outreach Program Assistant

Victoria Campbell vcampbell at beavertonoregon.gov
Fri Jul 1 17:27:05 PDT 2016

We are hiring!


Closing Date: July 6, 2016

Beaverton City Library Youth Services seeks a candidate with the vision and skills to increase the library’s impact on Beaverton’s Spanish-speaking youth and families through community outreach.  The ideal candidate will possess excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people from diverse backgrounds, including youth, families, volunteers, and coworkers in English and Spanish.

Link to full job posting: http://apps.beavertonoregon.gov/Jobs/docsjobs/Bilingual%20outreach%20program%20assistant.pdf

Youth Services Librarian

Closing Date: July 18, 2016

Beaverton City Library seeks a Youth Services Librarian to join the youth services team at our Murray Scholls Branch, a candidate who can
-serve youth with imaginative, innovative and exciting programming including hosting weekly storytimes and other programs for children, tweens and teens
-be a fearless innovator willing to try new ideas
-have an excellent understanding of early literacy and its importance to the individual, the community,

and the vital role the library plays in developing early literacy in youth.

Link to full job posting: http://apps.beavertonoregon.gov/Jobs/docsjobs/Youth%20Services%20Librarian.pdf

Victoria Campbell
Youth Services Manager
Beaverton City Library | 12375 SW 5th Street | Beaverton, OR  97005
p: 503.526.2599 | f: 503.469.9577| www.BeavertonLibrary.org<http://www.beavertonlibrary.org/>
Work days: Monday – Friday


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