[kids-lib] Updated! AAP Media Guidelines and U.S.A.'s Technology in Early Learning policy brief (PreK)

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Wed Nov 2 14:43:56 PDT 2016

Last week the American Academy of Pediatrics updated their screen time guidelines (AAP Media and Young Minds<http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2016/10/19/peds.2016-2591.full.pdf>) and the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services issued a joint policy brief on technology in early learning (U.S. Early Learning and Educational Technology Brief<https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ecd/policy_brief_final3.pdf>).

I highly recommend setting aside about 15 minutes to skim through both documents and highlighting a couple things that are new-to-you or things you want to remember. If possible, set aside even more time to read both documents more carefully and start thinking about how you might talk with caregivers about the research and recommendations and apply the information to technology in your library. Here are the main points of both documents:

U.S.’s policy brief<https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ecd/policy_brief_final3.pdf>:

  *   Technology—when used appropriately—can be a tool for learning.
     *   Early educators should determine when and how to use various technologies based on the Three C’s: the content, the context, and the needs of the individual child.
     *   Children 0-24 months should not watch media or use technology alone.
     *   Children 12-24 months can learn from videos if parents co-view materials with them and use the video as a learning tool to build language skills.
     *   Children 0-24 months with disabilities may use technology to help them access and participate learning opportunities.
  *   Technology should be used to increase access to learning opportunities for all children.
  *   Technology may be used to strengthen relationships among parents, families, early educators, and young children.
  *   Technology is more effective for learning when adults and peers interact or co-view with young children.
AAP’s guidelines<http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2016/10/19/peds.2016-2591.full.pdf>:

  *   Avoid digital media use (except video chatting) in children younger than 18 to 24 months.
  *   For children 18 to 24 months, if you want to introduce digital media, choose high-quality programming and use media together with your child. Avoid solo media use with this age group.
  *   Do not feel pressured to introduce technology early; interfaces are so intuitive that children will figure them out quickly once the start using them at home or in school.
  *   For children 2-5 years, limit screen use to 1 hour per day of high-quality programming, co-view with children, help children understand what they are seeing, and help them apply what they learn to the real world around them.
  *   Avoid fast-paced programs, apps with lots of distracting content, and any violent content.
  *   Turn off the television and other devices when not in use.
  *   Avoid using media as the only way to calm your child.
  *   Monitor children’s media content and what apps are used or downloaded. Test apps before the child uses them, play together, and ask the child what they think about the app.
  *   Keep bedrooms, mealtimes, and parent-child playtimes screen free for children and parents.
  *   No screens 1 hour before bedtime, and remove devices from bedrooms before bed.

If  technology and media literacy are of particular interest to you, then you might be interested in the following resources:

  *   Blog posts about media mentorship<http://www.alsc.ala.org/blog/?s=media+mentor%2Bscreen> written by children’s librarian for the ALSC Blog
  *   Two articles from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at the Sesame Workshop
     *   What Happens When Storytime is Over?<http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/2016/09/19/what-happens-when-storytime-is-over/>
     *   Sparking a Love of Lifelong Learning Early at the Public Library<http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/2016/10/24/sparking-a-love-of-lifelong-learning-early-at-the-public-library/>
  *   ALA’s Association for Library Service to Children’s (ALSC) Media Mentorship in Libraries Serving Youth<http://www.ala.org/alsc/sites/ala.org.alsc/files/content/2015%20ALSC%20White%20Paper_FINAL.pdf> white paper
  *   These books you can check out via interlibrary loan from the State Library
     *   Tap, Click, Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screens<http://osl-lis.blogspot.com/2015/12/tap-click-read.html>
     *   Becoming a Media Mentor: A Guide for Working with Children and Families<http://osl-lis.blogspot.com/2016/09/becoming-media-mentor.html>

Katie Anderson
Oregon State Library
katie.anderson at state.or.us
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