[kids-lib] URGENT! CSLP 2020 THEMES VOTING by Thursday 3/30

K'Lyn Hann klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov
Tue Mar 28 12:40:29 PDT 2017

To be considered at the Collective Summer Library Program meeting this April, I'll need your opinions FAST!

Please rank your top 5 choices from the list below (can't accept any new suggestions for the 2020 theme) and return them to me by THIS Thursday 3/30!

You can do it!

K'Lyn Hann

Theme                                                               Number of suggestions

  *   Environment/Nature/Conservation/         19
  *   Fairytales/Mythology/Fantasy                    17
  *   Animals/Safari/Pets/Zoo/Bugs                    16
  *   History                                                              12
  *   Travel/Roadtrip/States/Explore                  11
  *   Art/Creativity/Imagination                           10
  *   Diversity                                                           10
  *   Family/Community                                         8
  *   Food/Cooking/Farming                                 8
  *   Under the Sea/Ocean                                   4
  *   20/20                                                                3
  *   Wild West                                                        3
  *   Dinosaurs/Archeology                                   3
  *   Mystery                                                            2
  *   Transportation                                                2
  *   Alternate World/Steampunk                       2
  *   These themes each got one suggestions:
  *   Election (Elect to read)
  *   "Nothing but the facts @ your library (non-fiction, how to tell alternative facts from true facts)"
  *   (none)
  *   Read All About It! (News, Non-Fiction, Biographies, Journalism)
  *   Humor/Silly
  *   Summer Olympics
  *   Choose Your Own Adventure
  *   Science Fiction
  *   Summer
  *   Movies
  *   Games
  *   Horror/Monsters
  *   Math
  *   Our Changing World
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