[kids-lib] Huehuetlatolli. The Wise Tales of My People. Las sabias historias de mi pueblo.

Martín Blasco MartinB at wccls.org
Mon Mar 5 15:06:56 PST 2018

Hi Everyone,

Please, consider acquiring this title, Huehuetlatolli, by two great local artists, Nelda Reyes and Gerardo Calderón, for your library. The book is about the wisdom transmitted in the Nahua culture from generation to generation. It’s bilingual and includes a CD. The cost is $25 (including CD), plus S&H. To order you may contact:

Gerardo CG
PO Box 1573
Beaverton, OR 97075

Thank you,


Martín Blasco
Outreach Librarian for Multicultural Services
Washington County Cooperative Library Services | 503-681-5093
martinb at wccls.org<mailto:martinb at wccls.org> | facebook.com/bibliotecaswccls<http://www.facebook.org/bibliotecaswccls>

“Neither love nor terror makes one blind: indifference makes one blind.”
“Ni el amor ni el terror vuelven a uno ciego: la indiferencia lo hace a uno ciego ".
-James A. Baldwin

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