[kids-lib] Shout Out to Toledo, Oregon! in April 2019 CSLP Newsletter
Greta Bergquist
greta.bergquist at state.or.us
Tue Apr 30 15:22:24 PDT 2019
Hello Summer Reading folks,
See the Collaborative Summer Library Program Newsletter below, with a special shout out to Denyse in Toledo! ☺
Greta b
Greta Bergquist
Youth Services Consultant
503-378-2528 | www.oregon.gov/library<https://www.oregon.gov/library>
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From: Statereps [mailto:statereps-bounces at cslpreads.org] On Behalf Of Luke Kralik
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 11:22 AM
To: statereps at cslpreads.org
Subject: [Statereps] CSLP Newsletter: April 2019
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What is in store for CSLP this May:
* 2019 Reading Champions will be announced
* Final 2020 product designs are developed
* Planning for the 2019 Annual Meeting continues
If you ever have a question for these or any CSLP activity, please contact Luke Kralik at luke.kralik at cslpreads.org<mailto:luke.kralik at cslpreads.org> or Karen Day at karen.day at cslpreads.org<mailto:karen.day at cslpreads.org>
Be sure to check out this year’s webinars for help planning and running a successful 2019 program. Webinars can be found here: https://www.cslpreads.org/cslp-webinars/
Oh How We Rocked!
Denyse Marsh of the Toledo Public Library, Toledo, OR shared these photos from their successful rock hiding program.
Rocks were hidden all over town. Children who found a rock and brought it into the library were awarded a free book. This program made such an impression on one kindergarten aged patron, that he retells the story of his successful rock find every time he visits the library!
Space rocks anyone?
Did you have a program that brought a little music (or actual rocks) to the world this summer? Or, some out of this world plans for a space themed program? Please send your photos and any informative details to Luke Kralik at: luke.kralik at cslpreads.org<mailto:luke.kralik at cslpreads.org> I would love to share them in our newsletter.
Looking for some ideas to use or share? https://www.pinterest.com/cslpreads/
Celebrating Apollo: Remembering the Past as We Prepare for the Future
Join NASA as they celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo program. The Apollo lunar flights may have ended in 1972, but the moon has remained of great interest to NASA and people around the world. Explore with NASA as they take a look back at the historic program while they prepare to send humans back to the Moon, this time to stay. You can watch any session live at 2pm EDT on the dates listed below at: https://go.nasa.gov/DEEP
* May 2nd Explore the Past
* May 16th Explore Space Tech
* May 30th Explore Lunar Science
* June 13th Explore Humans in Space
* June 27th Explore Rockets and Spacecraft
* July 11th Explore Moon to Mars
For more information, or to help popularize this event at your library, download the promotional flyer: Celebrating Apollo: Remembering the Past as We Prepare for the Future<https://www.cslpreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/apollo-50th-anniversary-deep-talk-series.pdf>
Now available on the CSLP website:
Libraries and Summer Food<https://www.cslpreads.org/libraries-and-summer-food/>
A how-to guide to help you connect kids and teens with healthy food when school is out
Increasingly, public libraries are feeding hungry bodies as well as hungry minds during the summer – and throughout the year. The CSLP’s Child and Community Well-Being committee supports and encourages library participation in the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program and other initiatives to help kids and teens stay nourished, active, and healthy when school is out. The CCWB committee is pleased to offer the new Libraries and Summer Food Guide<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cslpreads.org%2Flibraries-and-summer-food%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjdwyer%40library.ohio.gov%7C1b06df60132543fec95a08d6ccb1e6bc%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C636921461786289342&sdata=MBvJs7SjF9Sr0n%2Bcb7WdI4TcC7u0wYh%2B81VYpxKcqKw%3D&reserved=0> on the CSLP website and a series of articles showcasing the experiences of libraries around the country. Past articles are available on the Resource List section of the Libraries and Summer Food Guide.
West Hartford Public Libraries – Feeding the Community in West Hartford, Connecticut
by Carol Waxman, Children's Services Librarian, West Hartford Public Library
The West Hartford Public Libraries in West Hartford, Connecticut have partnered with local agencies to support the effort of providing assistance to families with food insecurities in our community.
The Faxon Branch Library met State of Connecticut criteria for serving free lunches during the summer because it is located in a West Hartford neighborhood whose schools meet or exceed a defined percentage of their student populations receiving free or reduced lunches.
During that first summer, lunch was served in a program room at the library starting at 1:00 PM (when the building opened) for 31 summer weekdays. Lunches were prepared by West Hartford Public Schools Nutritional Services at a local school kitchen and served by their staff. A total of 368 lunches were served or an average of 11-12 lunches per day, a disappointing number given the potential of the neighborhood demographic. Upon review of the program, the library staff decided to make changes in the 2018 program. We began to serve lunch at noon instead of 1:00 PM and modified the hours of the library branch to open an hour earlier. We saw a dramatic increase in the number of lunches served in 2018 with a total of 1263 lunches, a solid increase of 895! It is important to note that there was a summer library program taking place in the summer of 2018 and many of those children did remain for lunch, adding to the substantial increase. We have already made the decision to serve lunch at 12 noon for summer 2019.
Aside from the free lunches served during the summer months, the West Hartford Libraries serve as a conduit for a food backpack program facilitated by a local church. Volunteers pack the food delivered to them by Connecticut Foodshare into backpacks and deliver these to two library buildings. Families eligible for free lunch during the school year in their school buildings are also eligible for a weekend backpack of food to take home during the summer when schools are closed. Families come to the library buildings on Friday or Saturday to pick up the backpack. This program was moderately successful. Not all backpacks were picked up. A decision was made to not offer perishable fruits and vegetables so that the backpacks could be used the following week, if not retrieved. Increased publicity about this program to those eligible will hopefully increase participation in summer 2019.
In addition to the summer backpack program, a new program in fall 2018 allows families with middle and high school students the opportunity to pick up weekend food backpacks at two of our libraries on Fridays and Saturdays all year instead of going to their school offices. This was done to avoid the stigma of older children and teens having to visit the school office to pick up their backpacks and having other students ask what they are doing. The library is a neutral and discreet location for distribution and is convenient for families. The backpacks are plain navy in color, without anything written on the outside. The program began in September 2018 and is growing rapidly with ten families participating at one library site and five at another.
Connecticut’s Foodshare and other agencies involved in collecting and distributing food have an abundance of product. The challenge is to deliver the food to those who need it. With this in mind, one additional project has been initiated. Packets of non-perishable food (in zip lock bags) are ready and waiting after storytime programs at one of our library sites. The bags are stored in a box and anyone is free to take one. Families are very appreciative of this “storytime perk”. This happens at the same library location where we serve free summer lunch.
The West Hartford Public Libraries are helping to meet the challenge of helping our community with food insecurity. We believe that any community can do part or all of what we do. Let’s make it happen for everyone who needs this.
Sensory Storytimes & Early Literacy for Children with Differing Abilities
By Erin Groth, Youth Services Librarian, Washington Talking Book & Braille Library
Storytime can be at once joyful and hectic, and we Children’s Librarians are often tempted to make early literacy experiences as exciting and colorful as possible. However, though there’s certainly a time and place for exuberant interpretive dancing to “The Wheels on the Bus,” it might be useful to take a step back and examine how the fun in Storytime can be as inclusive as possible for children with differing abilities.
Public libraries always strive for ADA compliance<http://www.ala.org/asgcla/resources/libraryservices>, but we can go a step further to make youth programming a little more inclusive for those with intellectual, physical, and social disabilities or delays. This can mean setting clear boundaries and expectations, taking care when selecting materials and themes, and (if possible) capping group size. If your library has the resources, I’d recommend adding a Sensory Storytime to your programming schedule, designed specifically for children or caregivers who might find the traditional Storytime environment a little overwhelming or difficult to engage with. If not, then I encourage using some of the tips below to make every Storytime a multi-sensory experience:
1.) Stick to the Agenda
Set expectations and provide a corresponding visual agenda<https://www.alsc.ala.org/blog/2018/06/visual-schedules-making-programs-accessible-for-all/>. When children know what to expect, they are more likely to succeed and meet those expectations. Tell them, “We are going to sing three songs, and then read our first story,” and repeat this to reinforce the schedule. However, don’t be afraid to be flexible! It might be that you don’t make it through every activity. This is okay too, just make sure you clearly communicate any changes.
2.) Stop and Smell/Touch/Listen to the Roses
Encourage Storytimers to slow down, explore, and observe every aspect of the materials. For example, we shake our egg shakers, but also smell them, look closely at the shape and size, and feel the smooth or textured surfaces (babies also like to taste them, but we try to discourage that!) This helps children experience the whole object.
3.) Tell, Sing, and Sign the Story
When working with children with visual impairments, use a clear voice to describe pictures on the page and point out any visual clues to the plot (note: many newer titles rely on context clues from the illustration to tell the whole story). Try incorporating ASL into your songs and stories for patrons with hearing impairments or language delays.
4.) Think Outside the Book
You might not be a puppeteer, but using some non-print based methods are great for Sensory Storytime. Engage young learners through sensory bins, story boxes, and flannel boards – the more tactile, the better! Imagine the impact of “The Three Little Pigs” when children actually handle straw, sticks, and stone. Bringing stories out of the abstract and into your space makes for a truly engaged learning experience!
5.) Create a Welcoming Environment
Try to find a quiet area with lower noise level and fewer outside distractions. This is where group size comes in, and pre-registration might be key as most Sensory Storytimes’ max group size is 15 children. Make sure each child has a space to sit and move, some age-appropriate fidget toys, and opportunity to get acclimated to the environment before the program starts.
By no means am I trying to “shush” any Storytime champions out there – believe me, I love a good bubble dance party as much as the next person! The goal here is to bring what can easily become an overstimulating experience for some to a place where meaningful early literacy skills are shared. It’s all about creating opportunities for success.
Celebrate NASA's 50th Anniversary
of Apollo 11's Historic Moon Landing
SAVE THE DATE: July 15th (4pm-5pm EST)
Join us for a Live Webcast Event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Mission. This live webcast, brought to you by the American Museum of Natural History, will feature a guided recreation of the Apollo 11 voyage - the space-flight that landed the first two astronauts on the Moon.
It is hard to overstate the impact of Apollo 11’s first landing on the Moon. It was humanity’s first step onto another world, an exciting climax to the space race, and the world’s largest rocket at the time. It was a classic story of American ingenuity — leaving our home planet a mere one hundred years after connecting the transcontinental railroad, and only sixty-six years after the Wright Brothers’ first powered flight.
[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405/images/436a3a6c-8f70-4a2d-bc48-aea12d816d19.jpg]Commander Neil Armstrong spoke eloquently about what an honor it was for him and fellow crew members, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, to accomplish president Kennedy’s goal of reaching the Moon, supported by the combined efforts of four hundred thousand Americans, by the year 1969. This July 20th, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of that accomplishment.
What was the sequence of this incredible mission? Where on the Moon did they land? And how did they return safely to Earth?
Note: More details of the event will be announced soon!
NASA's Apollo 50th Anniversary Website
During the Apollo program of the 1960s and '70s, NASA sent nine missions to the Moon. Six of them landed astronauts safely on the surface, the only times humans have visited another world. July 20, 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the first humans landing on the Moon as part of NASA's Apollo 11 lunar mission.
NASA has commemorated this anniversary of the Apollo program with a dedicated website with curated resources including its history, the information they learned, upcoming anniversary events and numerous video, photo, audio and printable resources for the public to use in their celebrations.
Resources Coming to a Library Near You!
[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405/images/a7338fb5-fb17-42c0-96a4-e2c781198413.jpg]The Summer of Space<http://www.starnetlibraries.org/summer-of-space/> promises to be a highflying adventure into the intricacies of space science and mechanics that empower all public libraries to connect with fun and easy STEM programming. From the 60th celebration of NASA culminating in the anniversary of the first manned mission to the Moon to CSLP’s summer learning program a Universe of Stories<https://www.cslpreads.org/>, STAR Net brings together a wide range of activities, resources, and webinars that enlighten as much as they inspire. But while there are instructions on how to do a Night Sky viewing, or the best activity for a comet night, Summer of Space is also providing libraries with the chance to win books and supplies that enhance what they’re already offering – the opportunity for patrons to explore the science around them.
[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405/images/7c68721e-7057-4108-a420-a7368542ed21.jpg]NASA and Scholastic have collaborated with STAR Net to offer libraries the chance to win a NASA tactile book, a copy from the Luciana Vega series<https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/books/luciana-by-erin-teagan/>, or a set of NASA stickers. The book “Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters” was created with the NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) and features tactile diagrams of the lunar surface designed to educate the blind and visually impaired about the wonders of Earth’s Moon. Luciana Vega is a girl with a head for science and her heart set on exploring Mars. Written by Erin Teagan, a biochemist turned author, she uses her own experiences in the STEM field to inspire young girls to follow their dreams.
STAR Net has already gifted 1000 tactile books to libraries across the country with more to come – shipping in late May to June. Scholastic has generously [https://gallery.mailchimp.com/043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405/images/b201287a-a7a8-4b9b-8805-ae64e51b51db.jpg] donated 300 Luciana Vega books for libraries to also pursue along with four other titles from their collection including The Sun is Kind of a Big Deal and The Astronaut Who Painted the Moon. To receive these, plus the chance at an Orion Blast telescope<https://www.telescope.com/Orion-StarBlast-45-Astro-Reflector-Telescope/p/102010.uts>, NASA calendars, and more, libraries can register at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/universe-of-stories-registration
STAR Net Webinar Series: Mars in May
[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405/images/d34dcf1c-b987-41a1-9f28-de32bf4c1299.jpg]Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. (ET), 3:00 p.m. (CT), 2:00 p.m. (MT), 1:00 p.m. (PT)
With summer right around the corner, this webinar will showcase several hands-on STEM activities about Earth’s red neighbor. Join the STAR Net team to discuss programming ideas, NASA resources, and, of course, fun, hands-on STEM activities that will surely be a crowd-pleaser at your library. We’ll also check in on the progress of NASA’s InSight mission, which was launched in May 2018.
STEAM Programming
[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405/images/8e788c6a-3b95-47a3-864b-f7ca7c29f816.jpg]In this engineering design challenge, students will use what they know and can investigate about gravity, motion, and forces to design and build a shock-absorbing system that will protect two "astronauts" when they land.
What is on the horizon for CSLP?
2019: Theme/Space; Slogan/”A Universe of Stories” Artist/Leeza Hernandez
2020: Theme/Fairytales, Mythology, Fantasy; Slogan/”Imagine Your Story” Artist/LeUyen Pham
2021: Theme/Animals; Slogan/”Tails and Tales” Artist/Salina Yoon
2022: Theme/World-Social Justice-Unity-Kindness-Inclusion-Change-Diversity-Equity-Make a difference-Embrace different cultures; Slogan/”All Together Now” Artist/Sophie Blackall
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