[kids-lib] ISO Your favorite short videos re: K-3 read-alouds, VTS, inclusive programming, & more

Gitlitz, Deborah gitlitz at wilsonvillelibrary.org
Thu May 16 18:11:20 PDT 2019

Library & educator peeps crowdsource! I'm working on a project with WCCLS and we are looking for:

- Very short, illustrative VIDEOS,
- On the topics listed below,
- Geared toward/useful for programmers in out-of-school environments (eg.; after-school programs; libraries; etc.),
- Who work with grades K-3.

We've got plenty of great resources of various kinds, so we don't need general resource recommendations. What we really want is your go-to favorite short video to show at a training, or link to as a caregiver tip, that kind of thing. Examples:

Visual Thinking Strategies: https://bit.ly/2HlJzcU<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2HlJzcU%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1PjIq1ACtJI3NLIiZuUmhqq60X1dloeuPY3y436hViUZt0TUzYHAvPh7s&h=AT1IxIeBj7qH0Ny6bZi8-Fkt1zc5NfOE0wU8QMqaUnerSyg50IWYr8Lci-3cS7ucYovALRyk_TnlARNiMb3woEAFuXZyslzVugGqQJBXFk9ao5HkultWrAlUHtp6Y40a7D7Zx47_Xkg2GL9x3TBnNTx5s-GO>
Translanguaging: https://bit.ly/2W3n5qF<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2W3n5qF%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1X-SpHVnuTEsHo0u3uxydGwwLOZ6EDcUCGvmP8FjmnxVpm1WbmCw44VnQ&h=AT0PklrO8Ui94LncaltFkDXnZXdYv80ATvd2h3phPQCoCtzGtbJ6p6ekMREHpURDCogrie0gTLJh1oMTrEibi0ZwY0KHZesaR6QVoZ004BB_DUsj-e5Sv3Pc9Yj88clCT48HeVBwOXCMv_Zwlmn2KCjumH3e>

So! Got any favorite short videos on the following topics??

- Reading aloud interactively
- Supporting use of more than one language in read-aloud, activity signage, or other K-3 activity
- Modeling open-ended questions with K-3 kids
- VTS/Whole Book Approach
- Demonstrating cultural inclusivity in (approx.) K-3 environment
- How to connect your program with your community via outreach
- Multigenerational programming (what it looks like)
- Tips for Building and Maintaining a Great Collection of Reading Materials
- Evaluating children's books for bias/selecting & using culturally responsive children's books

Thanks so much for any suggestions!


Deborah Gitlitz
Community Outreach Librarian |  Bibliotecaria comunitaria

Wilsonville Public Library

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Chair, Libros for Oregon<https://librosfororegon.wixsite.com/home>


gitlitz at wilsonvillelibrary.org<mailto:gitlitz at wilsonvillelibrary.org>


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