[kids-lib] Apply Now for Baker & Taylor Summer Reading Program Grant

Jacqueline Partch jacquelp at multcolib.org
Fri Nov 22 11:45:37 PST 2019

Hello Oregon library youth services staff,
It's not too late to apply for this grant for $3,000 for your summer
reading program!

*Baker & Taylor Summer Reading Program Grant*

The ALSC Summer Reading Program Grant is designed to encourage reading
programs for children in public libraries by providing $3,000 in financial
assistance, while recognizing ALSC members for outstanding program

Each application will be judged on the following:

   - The plan and outline submitted for a theme-based summer reading
   program in a public library
   - The committee encourages innovative proposals involving children with
   physical or mental disabilities

Applicants must:

   - Be personal members of ALSC as well as ALA; organizational members are
   not eligible
   - Submit program ideas that are open to all children (birth – 14 years)
   - Submit program ideas take place at a public library

*How to apply*
The ALSC Grant Administration committee is currently accepting online
<https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/o081E9GnRiag4cFaqLbf5Hm> for the
2020 ALSC/Baker & Taylor Summer Reading Program Grant!

Applications and supporting materials, including the required Signature Form
will be due by December 1, 2019. Please do not fill out and submit the
application until you have all the necessary materials to complete your

If you have questions about your application, please reach out to the chair
of the ALSC Grant Administration committee, Ariana Hussain, at
ariana.sani at gmail.com.

*Announcement of winners*
Winners will be announced via a press release on the ALSC website in


*Jackie Partch**School Corps Librarian*
Multnomah County Library
Work schedule: Mon/Tues/Weds 9-5:30, Thurs 9-3
Phone: 503.988.6219
*multcolib.org <http://www.multcolib.org/>*
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