[kids-lib] Bob books

CARRIE KASPERICK ckasperick at ci.monmouth.or.us
Fri Sep 13 09:26:44 PDT 2019

Our library puts the small Bob sets in a larger audio book case and
catalogs them as a set with one barcode. We've also purchased the leveled
readers: https://bobbooks.com/product/buddy-to-the-rescue/
Good luck!
Carrie Kasperick
Youth Services Librarian
Monmouth Public Library

On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 8:32 PM Kathy <kastreet5 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Baker and Taylor has Bob Books available on bound sets. It is a new
> collection.
> Kathy Street
> Director
> Oregon Trail Library District
> On Sep 12, 2019, at 5:04 PM, Laura Chipman <
> lchipman at coastlinelibrarynetwork.org> wrote:
> Our Bob books are in VHS containers. Each set has its own container and is
> catalogued as a set instead of individually. Each book in the set has a
> barcode and a spine label, but the barcode is the same for each book in the
> set.
> Laura Chipman, Youth Librarian
> 1800 Sherman Ave
> North Bend, OR 97459
> 541-756-0400
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 4:48 PM Rita Squires <rsquires at ci.the-dalles.or.us>
> wrote:
>> We have a few boxed sets of Bob books, but the boxes are falling apart.
>> If you circulate these books, how do you package them? We also have other
>> boxed sets of beginning reader books that we have the same problem with,
>> but I think in most cases, we can catalog each book individually.
>> Suggestions or advice would for packaging these would be greatly
>> appreciated.
>> Rita Squires
>> Children’s Library Services
>> The Dalles-Wasco Public Library, 722 Court St, The Dalles, OR 97058
>> (541)296-2815
>> "Reading a really good book is like reading a part of the author's heart."  (Kevin
>> Frederick - my 9 year old son, after reading the last of the Indian in the
>> Cupboard series)
>> This email is a public record of the City of The Dalles and is subject to
>> public inspection unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records
>> Law. This email is also subject to the City’s Public Records Retention
>> Schedule.

Thank you,
*Carrie Kasperick*
Youth Services Librarian

Monmouth Public Library
Phone: 503-751-0182
Fax: 503-838-3899
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