[kids-lib] Bookapalooza Book Giveaway

Jacqueline Partch jacquelp at multcolib.org
Wed Jan 15 17:23:07 PST 2020

Bookapalooza Applications Open

It's that time of year again! Each year the Association for Library Service
to Children office receives nearly 3,000 newly published books, videos,
audiobooks, and recordings from children’s trade publishers. These
materials, primarily for children age birth through fourteen and are
submitted to ALSC award and media evaluation selection committees for award
and notables consideration. After each ALA Midwinter Meeting in January,
these materials (published in the preceding year) need to be removed from
the ALSC office to make room for a new year of publications.

The Bookapalooza Program was created to find new homes for these materials.
ALSC will select three libraries to receive a Bookapalooza collection of
materials to help transform their current collection and provide the
opportunity for these materials to be used in their communities in creative
and innovative ways, and enhance their library service to children and

ALSC personal members are welcome to apply by February 1 [
http://bit.ly/alscbookap ] . Not an ALSC member but want to be considered
for this opportunity? Join today [ https://ec.ala.org/membership/join ] !

*Jackie Partch**School Corps Librarian*
Multnomah County Library
Work schedule: Mon/Tues/Weds 9-5:30, Thurs 9-3
Phone: 503.988.6219
*multcolib.org <http://www.multcolib.org/>*
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