[kids-lib] R2R grant

Samantha Wikstrom SWikstrom at tualatin.gov
Fri Jul 31 13:27:21 PDT 2020

Sorry for sending this out to the whole state of Oregon!!  It's been a long week....
From: Kids-lib <kids-lib-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> on behalf of Samantha Wikstrom <SWikstrom at tualatin.gov>
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 1:26 PM
To: Greta Bergquist via Kids-lib <kids-lib at omls.oregon.gov>
Cc: Sarah Jesudason <sjesudason at tualatin.gov>; Jerianne Thompson <JThompson at tualatin.gov>
Subject: [kids-lib] R2R grant

Hi Greta!

I'm getting started on the Ready to Read grant application for the Tualatin Public Library.   I've read through the guidelines page and tried to access our library's account, but I'm hitting a wall.

The Logon page doesn't recognize me.  I typed in my email address and "forgot password" as mentioned in the guidelines, but getting a "no account associated with that email" message.

Lauren Simon has completed the application for the past few years, but she's out on family leave right now.  Is it possible for me & my email to be associated with the Tualatin Public Library account so I can get this grant party started?

My name: Samantha Wikstrom
My email: swikstrom at tualatin.gov


:) Sam
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