[kids-lib] OYAN/CSD Joint Membership Meeting, Nov. 20

Tara Morissette tmorissette at comcast.net
Thu Nov 12 20:54:53 PST 2020

Announcing: A Joint Children's Services Division (CSD) and Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) Membership Meeting!

All members are welcome to the CSD and OYAN Board meetings. They will all be accessible from the same Zoom link.
10:00 am - 11:00 am: OYAN Board meeting (members welcome)
11:00 am - 11:15 am: break
11:15 am - 12:15 pm: Joint membership meeting (including the  Lampman Award)
12:15 pm - 12:30 pm: break
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: CSD meeting (members welcome)

The Zoom information is  available here.

For this meeting, we'd like you to share with us beforehand what links/resources/ideas/tips really helped you the past few months. It could be a program, a motto, a tech tip, anything! Please submit them through this Google form. If you wouldn't mind speaking at the meeting and giving us a rundown on what you shared, please indicate that in the form as well.  Please complete this form by Monday, November 16.  The links will be compiled and shared out after the meeting.
Lampman Award Will be Awarded 
The CSD will present the Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award at the joint CSD/OYAN membership meeting.  The Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award was established in 1982 to honor a living Oregon author, librarian, or educator who has made a significant contribution to Oregon in the fields of children’s literature and library services. It is awarded annually by the Children’s Services Division of the Oregon Library  Association.   For more information about the award, please go to the CSD's Lampman Award page.
Hope to see you on November 20!
Your CSD and OYAN Boards
Questions? Email brycek at wccls.org

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