[kids-lib] closed captions?

Beth Anne Huffine bethanne.huffine at ccrls.org
Thu Oct 29 10:28:05 PDT 2020

I just started helping my church with this using youtube. If you've got
videos up on Youtube, captions get automatically generated and then you can
edit them. Email me if I can be of further help. I imagine there are
tutorials out there if you Google it. It's fairly easy to do, there's just
a series of steps you have to take to get into and save the editing that I
need to follow step by step instructions just because I can't remember
which box to check and what button to click.

*Beth Anne Huffine*

*Library Assistant II*

Office 503-838-1811 <(503)%20838-1811> | Fax 503-838-4486 <(503)%20838-4486>


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On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 10:15 AM Anna Bruce <annab at happyvalleyor.gov> wrote:

> Hi folx,
> We would like to add closed captions to the videos that we are creating.
> Any recommendations for services or programs appreciated! Thanks in advance.
> Anna Bruce
> Youth Services Librarian
> Happy Valley Library
> 503-783-3464
> annab at happyvalleyor.gov
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