[kids-lib] Follow Up - Classifying & Shelving Kids/Tweens Graphic Novels

Taylor Worley taylorlgkw at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 17:32:17 PST 2022

Hi folks,

I got some really wonderful information from folks on my recent question as
well as requests for follow-up, so here's a distilled version of the
conversations I've been having. My gratitude to Alec at Tualatin, Amy at
Eugene, Isaac at Happy Valley, Michelle at Molalla, Holly at Tigard, and
Korie at Newberg. Y'all are amazing!

Kids & Tweens Graphic Novels - Where to shelve them?

   - *Format vs. Content* - consider what is most important for your users,
   and how they search for materials.
   - *Spine Labels* - highly visible, informative, but can become messy or
   unhelpful if not used consistently throughout all collections.
   - *Which Is Which?* - what are the distinguishing characteristics of
   each collection. (e.g. a middle grade GN vs. a beginning reader GN)
   - *Location* - does your space allow for an independent GN collection to
   be shelved near like items? (e.g. NF GNs next to the Kids NF, but not
   - *Impact on Cataloging, Processing* - what impact will these changes
   have on catalogers, processors, and support staff? What impact will it have
   on the budget?
   - *Audience *- Early readers are unique in that they are specifically
   designed with emergent readers in mind. For lots of folks, this is the most
   important characteristic of the item, so regardless of its format it will
   be shelved in the Early Reader collection, either side-by-side or

And, for your consideration:

   - Creating a Graphic Nonfiction Collection for Kids (Booklist)
   by Alec Chunn
   - Guessing Geisel: A Mock Geisel Blog

I'm still thinking about what the best choice is for our patrons and our
space, and I hope the information helps y'all, as well.


*Taylor Worley (she/her)                                                 *Youth
Services Librarian
Springfield Public Library
225 5th Street
Springfield, OR 97422
660.988.4289 (cell)
541.726.2243 (office)
taylorlgkw at gmail.com (personal)
tworley at springfield-or.gov (work)
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