[kids-lib] Survey for training about assistive tech for patrons with reading disabilities

Katie Anderson katiea at wccls.org
Thu Feb 10 12:19:28 PST 2022

Please excuse the cross-posting.

The Ferguson Library (CT) got a federal Institute of Museum and Library Services grant to create training for library staff about assistive technology for people with reading disabilities. They are conducting a survey<https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6631152/Reading-for-Accessibility-Library-Staff-Survey> to find they should include in that training. Please read the following message for details and let Peyton (peyton at peytonstafford.com<mailto:peyton at peytonstafford.com>) know if you have any questions.

While assistive technologies are available to help people with reading disabilities access written content, library workers often do not know about them or how to use them to help students and patrons. They need training to quickly get them up to speed, as needed, without using a lot of their time. To this end, The Ferguson Library of Stamford, CT, has applied for and received an IMLS grant to survey the need for this kind of training, and to develop a comprehensive training module that will be made available to libraries throughout the US. This will be done with the assistance of Benetech, the nonprofit that created the Bookshare accessible ebook library and is a leader in accessibility standards and innovation. The training module is scheduled for release in early 2023.

At this time, the steering committee is asking library workers to fill out a brief Web-based needs assessment survey, the results of which will guide the development of the training module. You do not need to be a professionally trained librarian to fill out the survey. Just need to work in a library.

Here is a link to the survey: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6631152/Reading-for-Accessibility-Library-Staff-Survey

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

Peyton Stafford, Steering Committee Member
peyton at peytonstafford.com<mailto:peyton at peytonstafford.com> or 503.720.7149

Katie Anderson (she/her)
Youth Services Librarian
Library & Community Initiatives Team
Washington County Cooperative Library Services<https://www.wccls.org/>
971-358-9359 (New!)
katiea at wccls.org<mailto:katiea at wccls.org>

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