[kids-lib] FW: [oasl-all] Donate Auction Items for the OASL Fall 2023 Conference!
MAURER Jennifer L * SLO
jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Sep 20 14:35:56 PDT 2023
Please pardon the cross-posting. Hi, folks. The OASL Fall Conference committee is seeking donations for the silent auction, and for those who will attend, volunteers for a shift at the registration table. If you are interested, see the two emails below. – Thanks, Jen (Jen Maurer, School Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon)
From: ola at memberclicks-mail.net <ola at memberclicks-mail.net> On Behalf Of Jennifer McKenzie
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 3:29 PM
To: MAURER Jennifer L * SLO <jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov>
Subject: [oasl-all] Donate Auction Items for the OASL Fall 2023 Conference!
Happy Tuesday, OASL Rockstars!
The OASL Fall 2023 Conference is right around the corner<https://sites.google.com/oasl.olaweb.org/oasl2023/home>. Every year we host a silent auction to raise funds for our organization during the conference. We are seeking auction items, baskets, donations - anything helps! Last year, I created several coastal themed art pieces that went over well. Other ideas: vacation stays (if you have connections), hand crafted items (someone makes some jam every year that people love), wine/food items, book bundles, donated items from your learning community, etc.
Please complete this quick Google Form if you are willing to help us out by donating an auction item or assisting with the auction Saturday of the conference!<https://forms.gle/FzFEyBLjk7g8XfNv5>
Reach out with questions! #BetterTogether ✌
Ms. Jennifer McKenzie, MIIS (she/her)
K12 District Teacher Librarian, Siuslaw School District 97J
Fulbright Scholar, Teachers for Global Classrooms
Antioch University Online, Doctor of Education Student
Oregon Association of School Libraries President Elect
Siuslaw Education Association Secretary
Email jmckenzie at siuslaw.k12.or.us<mailto:jmckenzie at siuslaw.k12.or.us>
Google Voice: 541.590.2515
District Ext. #5452
Siuslaw Library Website: https://bit.ly/SiuslawLibrary<https://www.siuslaw.k12.or.us/page/library-media-services>
Book a Lesson or Meeting: https://calendly.com/jenmarymckenzie
View Google Calendar: https://bit.ly/McKenzieCalendar
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From: ola at memberclicks-mail.net<mailto:ola at memberclicks-mail.net> ola at memberclicks-mail.net<mailto:ola at memberclicks-mail.net> On Behalf Of Jessica Lorentz Smith
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 3:37 PM
To: MAURER Jennifer L * SLO jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov>
Subject: [oasl-all] Help at the Conference Auction
Good Afternoon Library Friends,
The conference committee is hard at work tying up final touches on our upcoming fall conference in Lincoln City! Wahoo! Have you registered yet? Here<https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mcform&view=ngforms&id=2177832#!/> is the registration website.
In addition, we are in need of a few more volunteers to help run our auction. We need someone willing to be the point person and that means helping set up on Friday afternoon, send out some emails a few days before the conference and help closing the auction out at the end of the day Saturday. There are a few honor society teens who have already volunteered to watch the auction during the day so that person can attend sessions.
We can also use a few volunteers willing to sit at the registration table for periods of one hour each to help our amazing registrar be able to attend some sessions as well. If you think this is something that you can help with please respond back to me or our OASL President president at oasl.olaweb.org<mailto:president at oasl.olaweb.org>.
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Jessica Lorentz Smith
Teacher Librarian
Bend Senior High School
Oregon Library Association • PO Box 3067, La Grande, Oregon 97850, United States
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