[kids-lib] Call for IF Champion Nominations

MAURER Jennifer * SLO Jennifer.MAURER at slo.oregon.gov
Mon Mar 10 09:25:44 PDT 2025

Please pardon the cross-posting. I am forwarding this on behalf of the OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee. Please direct questions to Shelby and Alyssa, co-chairs of the committee (ifc.chair at olaweb.org<mailto:ifc.chair at olaweb.org>). - Thanks, Jen
(Jen Maurer, School Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon, jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov>)

From: Libs-Or <libs-or-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> On Behalf Of Shelby Paulson via Libs-Or
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2025 8:55 AM
To: libs-or at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: [Libs-Or] Call for IF Champion Nominations

Do you know a defender of intellectual freedom? Nominate them for the Intellectual Freedom Champion of the Year Award!

Nominations are open until Saturday, March 22nd.

The Intellectual Freedom Committee of the Oregon Library Association offers the OLA Intellectual Freedom Champion of the Year Award in recognition of the contribution made by an individual, group of individuals, or an organization or institution that has actively promoted or defended intellectual freedom in Oregon.  The Intellectual Freedom Committee of the Oregon Library Association administers the Award and presents it at the Annual Awards Banquet held at the OLA Annual Conference.

The OLA Intellectual Freedom Champion of the Year Award recognizes truly outstanding effort in promoting the principles of intellectual freedom.  The Intellectual Freedom Committee of the Oregon Library Association (http://www.olaweb.org/if-home) administers the award and presents it at the awards banquet held at the OLA Annual Conference.

Qualifications for recipients:

  *   Nominations are limited to individuals or institutions whose efforts benefited Oregon, or who were residents of Oregon at the time when they promoted intellectual freedom in an outstanding way. Nominees do not have to be OLA members.
  *   Nominations may be made for activities ongoing or completed in the previous five years.
  *   Persons who have won the award during the past five (5) years are ineligible.
  *   Current voting members of the OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) are ineligible.

Nomination process:

  *   Nominations will be solicited using the OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee's website, OLA Hotline Newsletter, OASL Newsletter, and Libs-OR and OASL listservs.
  *   Nominations will be accepted through a nomination form.  The form will be available by request from the Intellectual Freedom Committee and will also be available on the IFC webpage.
  *   Each nomination should be documented with a narrative statement and any news releases, supporting letters, published articles and other documentation that supports the nomination.
  *   One copy of the completed nomination form and supporting materials shall be submitted to the IFC by two (2) months prior to the OLA annual meeting.

Criteria used in selecting a winner:

  *   Developed an innovative information program relating to intellectual freedom issues;
  *   Upheld intellectual freedom principles in the face of challenge;
  *   Actively promoted intellectual freedom principles in his/her sphere; and/or
  *   Exemplified the spirit of intellectual freedom.

Nominations are currently OPEN<https://forms.gle/Ra3dUjNiYRKiTrmm6>.  Please submit nominee information via this Google Form<https://forms.gle/Ra3dUjNiYRKiTrmm6> no later than Mar 22 2025.

For more information, please contact the chair of the Intellectual Freedom Committee. Current chair(s) are listed on the About the Intellectual Freedom Committee<http://www.olaweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=523:intellectual-freedom-about-us&catid=20:site-content> page.
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