[Libs-Or] [Fwd: [alacro-l] ALA Highlights Vital Role of Libraries to FCC]

Suzanne Sager bvss at pdx.edu
Tue Dec 8 14:42:31 PST 2009


Suzanne L. Sager
ALA Oregon Chapter Councilor

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[alacro-l] ALA Highlights Vital Role of Libraries to FCC
Date: 	Tue, 8 Dec 2009 10:55:04 -0500
From: 	Michael Dowling <mdowling at ala.org>
To: 	ALACRO-L <alacro-l at ala.org>

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In its latest filing 
to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the American Library 
Association (ALA) highlights the vital role libraries play in 
communities by supporting workforce development, small business 
creation, life-long education, and access to government resources 
through public access computer terminals and broadband Internet access.

The ALA's Friday filing responded to the FCC's call for comments 
regarding the relationship between economic development and broadband -- 
particularly broadband adoption -- and how broadband access spurs 
businesses' productivity and growth. Public libraries serve the 
information needs of the community by providing access to online 
resources and services and directly strengthen the economic stability 
and quality of life in communities across the country. Public libraries 
are also community anchor institutions, and bringing broadband to the 
library will result in greater broadband availability to the entire 

"Over one hundred years ago, Andrew Carnegie funded the construction of 
over 1,600 public libraries in the United States because he understood 
the critical role they played in the education and economic empowerment 
of the public," said Dr. Mary Alice Ball, Chair, Telecommunications 
Subcommittee of the ALA Office for Information Technology Policy (OTIP).

"Today with ten times that number nationwide, America's public relies 
even more heavily on libraries not only to educate and retrain 
themselves, but also to make use of libraries' no-fee access to the 
Internet to apply for jobs, use government services and to create small 
businesses. Carnegie knew that physical library buildings were vital to 
the continuing growth of the country in the last century; today he would 
recognize that broadband connectivity in libraries plays a similar 
function for our society and our economy."

ALA research finds that 91 percent of libraries offer formal training 
classes in general computer skills; 71 percent have formal classes in 
using software applications; and 93 percent have training in general 
Internet use.

Libraries subscribe to numerous online databases that provide patrons 
with access to current research and information on a variety of topics 
including economic development, starting a small business, legal 
information, and career counseling. Many libraries offer these services 
to help ensure their patrons not only have access to valuable 
information but have the skills necessary to evaluate and utilize them. 
In response to the economic downturn, many libraries are creating 
additional workshops and training classes on specific employment related 
topics.  Without high capacity broadband, libraries would not be able to 
provide their patrons with these services -- services that are critical 
to the vitality of communities nationwide.

ALA commends the Commission for soliciting input on a wide range of 
critical issues as it develops the National Broadband Plan. ALA 
recognizes the many challenges faced by the Commission and applauds its 
efforts to put into place a comprehensive plan that will bring lasting 
social and economic benefit to all areas of the nation.

Contact: Jenni Terry <mailto:jterry at alawash.org>
Press Officer
ALA Washington Office



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Suzanne L. Sager
Library East, Cataloging
Portland State University

sagers at pdx.edu

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