[Libs-Or] Request for information from an MLIS student

SHORT Rachael rachaels at multcolib.org
Fri Mar 12 17:18:07 PST 2010

Hello Libs-Or,

Are you familiar with the HathiTrust Digital Library? If so, please read on.

I am a Library School student doing a project on the HathiTrust Digital Library's public interface, catalog.hathitrust.org 

I am surveying librarians about the users of the HathiTrust. If you have the time and the inclination, please email me your responses to these six questions:

1.        In your view, who are the target users of the HathiTrust Digital Library?

2.        What are those users' characteristics? (level of search skill, age, education level, etc.)

3.        What are the information needs that draw them to HathiTrust? What do the search for and why?

4.        How do they use and search the HathiTrust? (catalog search, full text search, query structure, etc.)

5.        What aspects of HathiTrust need improvement?

6.        Are there any other critical issues that effect users? (language issues, disability issues, policy issues, etc.)

Thank you very much!

Rachael Short
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Student

Multnomah County Library Employee
rachaels at multcolib.org

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