[Libs-Or] Homeschooling services offered by OHEN

Stephanie Nystrom steph at nystromengineering.com
Tue Feb 1 08:30:53 PST 2011

Do you have patrons asking to learn more about homeschooling?

The Oregon Home Education Network (OHEN), the state's first and largest, 
inclusive, nonprofit, volunteer-run organization, dedicated to the 
support of all of Oregon's homeschooling families. We are currently 
scheduling Homeschooling in Oregon sessions for winter and spring 2011.

Here is a list of the services that we currently offer:

** Homeschooling in Oregon: *

A free presentation by a panel of 2-3 experienced homeschoolers. This 
1.5 hour presentation consists of a general overview of homeschooling in 
Oregon and a question & answer period. A booklet of homeschooling 
resources will be given to all participants.

** E-mail and phone helplines to answer all of the homeschooling 
questions you or your patrons may have:
Phone: 503-321-5166 (voice mail)

E-mail: info at ohen.org

** A website full of up-to-date homeschool resources and information: 
http://www.ohen.org/* *
    We are currently in the process of adding libraries to our lists of 
local homeschool resources: http://www.ohen.org/oregon/links
    If your library has special resources or ongoing programs for 
homeschoolers, we would like to include that information as well.

Please let us know if there is anything that we can do for you!
Stephanie Nystrom
OHEN Information Coordinator
webmaster at ohen.org

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