[Libs-Or] Fwd: [srrtac-l] Human Library

Diedre Conkling diedre08 at gmail.com
Mon May 16 11:29:57 PDT 2011

Just thought some of you might be interested.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julie Winkelstein <jwinkels at utk.edu>
Date: Sun, May 15, 2011 at 5:48 PM
Subject: [srrtac-l] Human Library
To: srrtac-l at ala.org

Hello everyone,
We have quite a few human books for the Human Library, but I'd like to have
several more if possible. If you are so inclined, could you please post the
following blurb to any librarian listservs you subscribe to? Of course, feel
free to volunteer yourself. And, if you'd like to help run the library, that
would be great, too - just let me know. Thanks! Julie


SRRT is still looking for human books! The Social Responsibilities Round Table
(SRRT) of the American Library Association is seeking volunteers to participate
in a Human Library, to be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, June 27 at
ALA’s Annual Conference in New Orleans.
Volunteers will serve as human “books” and help “readers” better
understand people of different backgrounds and cultures.  The human books are
checked out for one-on-one, respectful conversations that will last about 20
minutes. This unique opportunity allows the books and readers together to raise
awareness of the biases and prejudices that we all have. The program ultimately
promotes appreciation for differences in background and culture. Examples of
books range from Tea Party members to police officers, liberals, academic
librarians, people with disabilities, ex-gang members, someone who identifies
as LGBTQ, communists, Muslims, members of the military, avid sports fan, male
nanny - the list is endless! If you have ever felt you are being judged because
of how you look or who you are, and you are willing to have a conversation
about that experience, we want you as a title in our Human Library. More
information about the Human Library can be found at humanlibrary.org.
To sign up as book or if you have any questions, please contact Julie
Winkelstein at: 2011humanlibrary at gmail.com
For everything about SRRT lists, go to:http://lists.ala.org/sympa/info/srrtac-l

Diedre Conkling
Lincoln County Library District
P.O. Box 2027
Newport, OR 97365
Phone & Fax: 541-265-3066
Work email: diedre at lincolncolibrarydist.org
Home email: diedre08 at gmail.com

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