[Libs-Or] Public Computing

cah.libor at xemaps.com cah.libor at xemaps.com
Wed Jan 16 06:28:45 PST 2013

Although I am new in a school library, I used Google Docs extensively in my studies and student teaching.

Where Google Docs really shine is in seamless integration between classroom, library and home. A student can start project in the classroom, continue the research project in the public library, turn it into a presentation at home, and then show it in the classroom. 

There are no hassles with thumb drives, different software, versions, OS's,  etc.  This solves so many problems. 

Chromebooks are especially elegant, in this regard. No matter which one you open, your experience starts where you left-off on the last one.  

For teacher-librarians, the collaboration feature is fantastic.   The teacher can assist and evaluate the student in the writing process as they are writing, even at home. 

But Google Docs is limited in features.  You would never write a dissertation on one.  The average school project is fine.  Import/export is limited but works with Doc, RTF, PDF and OTF.  This is usually enough. 

I personally have a problem with pushing students into the arms of a gigantic corporation like Apple, Microsoft, Facebook or Google.   But, so far, Google has resisted evil.  If I had my way, every school would use OpenSource but I don't expect that any time soon!  Google is the most open of the big players, IMHO. 

Well, that's my two cents worth. 


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