[Libs-Or] Seeking an academic librarian involved in reference and instruction for the OLA Mentoring Program (and you don't have to be an OLA member!)

Meredith Farkas meredith.farkas at pcc.edu
Tue May 9 12:22:08 PDT 2017

The OLA Mentoring program currently has a mentee applicant who is looking
for an academic librarian mentor with experience in reference and
instruction. Surprisingly, we currently don't have any available mentors in
our pool who are a fit, so I'm putting out the call.

Recently, the OLA Board voted to change the requirements for mentors so
that mentors no longer need to be OLA members (though it's preferred). You
can see a description of the program and the full list of requirements for
mentors and mentees here: http://www.olaweb.org/mentor-program.

If you're interested and are a first-time mentor with the OLA Mentoring
Program, please fill out the mentor application
If you're a former mentor in the program (and your basic contact and job
info hasn't changed), you can just email me. If you know someone who is not
on LIBS-OR who might be interested, please feel free to share my email.

Thanks for considering!

Meredith Farkas
For the OLA Membership Committee

Meredith Farkas, Faculty Librarian
Portland Community College Library, Sylvania Campus
meredith.farkas at pcc.edu
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