[Libs-Or] WorksSource Oregon Virtual Workshops in January - Corrected Link

WEIBLE Arlene * SLO Arlene.WEIBLE at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Jan 5 07:22:14 PST 2021

Thanks to everyone that pointed out the incorrect link to the English language workshops in the message below. The correct link is: https://forms.gle/2DiMGnc52DFwEFvd9 The flyer and images attached in the previous message have the correct link.  --Arlene

From: WEIBLE Arlene * SLO
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 3:38 PM
To: libs-or at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: WorksSource Oregon Virtual Workshops in January

WorkSource Oregon<http://www.worksourceoregon.org/> is offering the following virtual workshops to job seekers and those considering changing jobs. They are held each week at the same day and time throughout each month.

Please see attached schedules for January 2021 workshops. Note that all workshops are also now being offered in Spanish. Attached are individual workshop announcements in both languages for social media promotion. Please promote these workshops in your community!

Registration for English workshops - https://forms.gle/2XLd6zyzbCyG1dbQ9

Registration for Spanish workshops - https://forms.gle/HV8sJd2VATHxhHJD7

  *   Interviews -  Are you landing interviews, but not your dream job? Are situational questions keeping you up at night? How do you answer a question about your last employer if you were terminated? Let us help answer all these and more. (Mondays, 1:30-3:00 pm)

  *   Virtual Interviews -  Are you ready to take on a virtual interview? Is your lighting, dress, background, voice and tone ideal for the virtual setting? Do you know what it's like to pre-record your interview questions? Are you adept at moving about in a virtual space? If not, let us help you build skill and confidence for your next virtual interview. (Tuesdays, 3:00-4:30 pm)

  *   Soft Skills -  It's been said, "You're hired for your hard skills and fired for your soft skills-but what is a soft skill and why it is important in finding, and keeping, a great job? In this workshop, we will introduce soft skills, as well as help you discover which soft skills are your strengths. (Wednesdays, 1:30-3:00 pm)

  *   Resumes -  Learn techniques and strategies to create, or refurbish, your resume for industry specific, job tailored, and unique-to-you uses. Discover tricks snag the hiring teams attention. Understand how to pass the ATS system from robot to human eyes and more! (Thursdays, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm)

  *   Networking - Branding, an elevator speech and LinkedIn-how will they support your job search? Let us help you discover and navigate the new, virtual networking environment, while reinforcing your in-person networking skills. (Fridays, 10:30 am-12:00 pm)

Arlene Weible, MLS
Electronic Services Consultant
Oregon Federal Regional Depository Coordinator
arlene.weible at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:arlene.weible at state.or.us> | 503-378-5020 | http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries
Follow us: Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/StateLibraryOR/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/statelibraryor> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/>
COVID-19 info: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/coronavirus

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