[Mes] Certificate in Public Management

MENG Brandy * DAS Brandy.MENG at oregon.gov
Mon Dec 14 07:38:51 PST 2020

Please contact swilson at willamette.edu<mailto:swilson at willamette.edu> to kiseri at willamette.edu<mailto:kiseri at willamette.edu> if you have questions about these classes.
Public Managers talk a lot about resilience and being able to meet ongoing challenges.  This crazy year put that to the test.  The Certificate in Public Management program has adapted its classes to the Zoom format and our students are sharpening their skills to meet these new challenges.  We may not be able to meet in person for a while, but our experienced instructors are still creating a meaningful learning experience and getting great reviews.

So sign up for one of our classes in the new year and use our virtual classroom as a tool to increase your skills. The program takes business concepts and adapts them for the public sector.  You can register at https://willamette.edu/mba/programs/executive/public-management/index.html.

Are there others in your organization that you think might benefit from the program.  They can take a single class of complete eight classes for the certificate.  Let them know about it.

Here are the opportunities starting in January 2021.  We have classes on a variety of days to help them fit in everyone’s schedule.

Managing Legal Issues
This module will help you understand the basic structure and function of the legal system in the U.S. and Oregon and how it interacts with your day to day operations.
Instructor:  Warren Binford

Saturdays:       January 9
                                    January 23

Strategic Management
This is a module on how to build a strategic plan to lead our organizations to “excellence.”  If you’ve taken the Innovation and Change module, this is an excellent next step.

Instructor:  Ed Warnock

Fridays:                       January 15
                                    January 22
                                    January 29

Accounting:  What’s that got to do with management?
This module will review financial statements used by state agencies and demonstrate how reviewing financial information can improve decision making and provide awareness to opportunities for process improvement.

Instructor:  Pam Stroebel Powers

Wednesdays:  February 3
                                    February 10
                                    February 24

Managing People:  Challenges in today’s workplace
Work places are changing dramatically and this module explores the challenge of managing a work environment that creates flexibility, equity, and engagement. Some of the topics covered include remote work, accountability, motivation, and performance management.

Instructor:  Susan Wilson

Fridays:                       February 5
                                    February 19
                                    February 26

Data Analysis
Students learn how to approach & analyze different types of data using various techniques & building invaluable workplace skills. Students also learn how to convey their findings in the right graph, table or visual in a compelling manner.

Instructor:  Josh Lehner

Fridays:                       March 5
                                    March 12
                                    March 19

Business Communication: Speaking
This hands-on interactive module is designed to address your concerns by developing your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses as a presenter. By the end of the two and a half days, you should be more confident, credible and clear.

Instructor:  Elizabeth Tierney

Fridays:                       April 9
                                    April 16
                                    April 23

Negotiating for Success: Creating “Win-Win" Every Day
“Negotiating for Success” aims to provide you with the tools you need to successfully navigate every day.

Instructor:  Warren Binford

Fridays:                       May 7
                                    May 14
                                    May 21

Questions?  Feel free to contact swilson at willamette.edu<mailto:swilson at willamette.edu> to kiseri at willamette.edu<mailto:kiseri at willamette.edu> for more information.  We look forward to see you in class.


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