[Mes] 2021 Public Law Conference

MENG Brandy * DAS Brandy.MENG at oregon.gov
Tue Mar 30 12:53:49 PDT 2021

Good afternoon,
DOJ is asking for feedback on this year's conference topics. The survey closes tomorrow (sorry for the short notice). Please respond if you have interest https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XBT6Z6V.

Thank you,
We are excited to announce the 2021 Attorney General's Public Law Conference will be held in October. The conference provides two days of intensive training on the public laws state employees work with most. Due to COVID-19 precautions, this year's conference will be held virtually. A virtual platform will allow us the opportunity to offer the conference, which is always sold out, to more state employees, offer more novice and advanced courses, and the ability to add courses based on your requests.  We are planning the conference now and would appreciate your input to help us best meet your needs.

Please click the link below to answer a short, three question survey about this year's conference. To obtain the most feedback possible, we would appreciate your forwarding this email on to any state employees who may be interested in attending this year's conference.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in October!

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