[NWDigitalProjects] FW: Free Consulting Webinar: Preservation Assistance Grants from NEH!

FUQUA Ross * SLO Ross.FUQUA at slo.oregon.gov
Thu Nov 21 17:15:50 PST 2024

Sorry to flood this listserv with announcements this afternoon, but here is a webinar opportunity for anyone considering applying for a NEH Preservation Assistance Grant.

Ross Fuqua, MA, MLIS (he/him)
Data & Digital Projects Consultant
State Library of Oregon
ross.fuqua at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:ross.fuqua at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-375-3551
Schedule a time to meet<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/9a8c2bc6947342fba87c7e7a3d0589d8@slo.oregon.gov?anonymous&ep=plink>
[cid:image001.png at 01DB3C39.012B77F0]<https://www.northwestdigitalheritage.org/>  [State Library of Oregon  Library Support and Development Services Division] <http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>

From: Archivpres <archivpres at lyrasislists.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2024 7:12 AM
To: Archivpres <archivpres at lyrasislists.org>
Subject: Free Consulting Webinar: Preservation Assistance Grants from NEH!

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Hello everyone,

It is that time of year again!

Lyrasis Consulting Services is offering a free webinar on December 2nd at 2:00 EST for those interested in applying for Preservation Assistance Grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The grant requires no cost share and is capped at $10,000. It is ideal for first-time grant applicants or those representing small institutions.

To attend the class or receive a recording, please register at https://my.lyrasis.org/event-information?id=a0lUh00000JsxzRIAR.

Also, earlier this year, we started a new grant coaching support program<https://lyrasis.org/grant-coaching/>. This is a free service for cultural heritage institutions. You do not need a Lyrasis membership to participate. The program offers complimentary application reviews, specifically for applications that involve bringing in a consultant or knowledge expert. We also provide guidance on potential grants that could be a good fit for an institution's desired projects. We have clients whom we have worked with over the years to help them find multiple grant funding opportunities to move a project to the finish line. An example of this work is a recent case study located here<https://lyrasisnow.org/otterbein-universitys-courtright-memorial-library-and-lyrasis-a-case-study-in-collaboration-and-preservation/>.

For more information or to schedule a meeting, feel free to contact me at katy.klettlinger at lyrasis.org<mailto:katy.klettlinger at lyrasis.org>.

Many thanks,

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