[Or-srp] Friday, December 9th Shoutout and 2023 Summer

BERGQUIST Greta E * SLO Greta.BERGQUIST at slo.oregon.gov
Fri Dec 9 10:16:04 PST 2022

Hi everyone,

Today’s shoutout must go to Crook County Public Library staff, Director April Witteveen<https://pamplinmedia.com/ceo/162-news/565322-452770-crook-county-library-it-has-been-a-pleasure-to-serve-you>, the broader Oregon library community, and Crook County residents, many of whom hopped in to support intellectual freedom in Crook County, including at last night’s board meeting<https://centraloregondaily.com/lgbtq-childrens-books-crook-county-library-vote/>. We know Crook County is not the only library working on this right now. We also know last night’s meeting<https://ktvz.com/news/crook-county/2022/12/08/crook-county-library-board-rejects-calls-to-label-lgbtq-books-move-them-from-childrens-area-to-special-spot/> does not magically solve these conflicts and our community’s frustrations, this work will be ongoing. But we are grateful to all of you working to make sure every community member can access materials they need in your library, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age, sex or disability. Thank you so much for all your labor at this moment, we know it can be very tiring.

I wanted to include some summer reading information in this shoutout. Any and all library staff who work on summer reading are welcome to attend next Tuesday’s meetup. Directors, please forward to any staff you think would find this useful.

Thanks again and have a great weekend! Greta


Here’s the 35 minute November 8th iREAD webinar<https://youtu.be/a4RnQR8upFg> with information about 2023.


Below is Zoom information to join the December Summer Reading Meetup and future meeting dates, times, and information.

Time: Dec 13, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3170707432

Meeting ID: 317 070 7432

One tap mobile +14086380968,,3170707432# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,3170707432# US Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcamfQwILE




Tuesday Dec 13th

Find Your Voice Programming and Community Partner ideas

How does Find Your Voice play out? What ideas do we have for bringing it to life?

(Sneak preview: Poetry/Art/Theater Connections, Author/Illustrator Interviews, Family Histories…bring your ideas, too!) Dear Joanie,


Jan 10th

Potential Topics for Discussion TBD Based on Attendee’s Preference, but likely one of the following:

  *   Planning Tools
  *   Maximizing Budgets
  *   School and Community Outreach
  *   Stats and Online Tools
  *   Family Programming
  *   Early Lit Focus
  *   Tween and Teen Programs
  *   Others topics suggested by participants


Feb 7th


March 7th


April 4th


May 2nd


Greta Bergquist, MLIS, MAT (she/her/hers)
Youth Services Consultant
State Library of Oregon
greta.bergquist at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:greta.bergquist at slo.oregon.gov>  | 971-375-3549
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>

[Title: State Library of Oregon]

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